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Posttraumatic Growth


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Table of Contents

Contents: Preface. R.G. Tedeschi, C.L. Park, L.G. Calhoun, Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Issues. L.H. Cohen, T.R. Hettler, N. Pane, Assessment of Posttraumatic Growth. C.M. Aldwin, K.J. Sutton, A Developmental Perspective on Posttraumatic Growth. H. Tennen, G. Affleck, Personality and Transformation in the Face of Adversity. J.A. Schaefer, R.H. Moos, The Context for Posttraumatic Growth: Life Crises, Individual and Social Resources, and Coping. V.E. O'Leary, C.S. Alday, J.R. Ickovics, Models of Life Change and Posttraumatic Growth. C.L. Park, Implications of Posttraumatic Growth for Individuals. S.L. Bloom, By the Crowd They Have Been Broken, By the Crowd They Shall Be Healed: The Social Transformation of Trauma. L.G. Calhoun, R.G. Tedeschi, Posttraumatic Growth: Future Directions.

About the Author

Richard G. Tedeschi (Edited by) ,  Crystal L. Park (Edited by) ,  Lawrence G. Calhoun (Edited by)


"The overview of research strategies, developmental issues, personality variables, characteristics of traumatic events, theoretical approaches, individual and group affects, and comprehensive models is well presented."
—READINGS: A Journal of Reviews and Commentary in Mental Health"One comes away from this text with a sense of inspiration about directions for possible research. This book can be read and appreciated on many levels--as clinician, potential researcher and as plain human--touched as we all are by trauma at some point in our lifetime. I look forward with anticipation to the next volume which promises to signpost ways in which clinicians can encourage post traumatic growth."
—British Journal of Medical Psychology"In this ground-breaking book, Tedeschi, Park, and Calhoun have consolidated the previously scattered social science literature on the growth-enhancing consequences of transcending trauma and, in so doing, have laid the foundation for a more balanced and hopeful traumatology. In place of one-sided depictions of the traumatized individual, family, or community as disordered, dysfunctional, or disorganized by the experience, the contributors to this volume thoughtfully review the solid empirical work documenting the cognitive, emotional, and social resiliency that permits people to not only survive, but indeed thrive, in the wake of desolation. The result is a book that offers encouragement to other investigators, guidance to counselors, and inspiration to all persons whose lives have been touched by severe loss."
—Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
University of Memphis; Editor, Death Studies; Past President, Association for De"Lay persons and professionals alike have shown a keen interest in the impact of trauma on individual functioning. However, the focus has usually been on its negative effects. Here, at last, is a comprehensive, readable, and well-researched volume that focuses on the positive aspects of negative life events and trauma. It suggests that feelings of growth, meaningfulness, and adaptation are not uncommon consequences. The work goes a long way toward helping us understand the circumstances, contexts, and personality correlates of such growth. This book will be an important addition to the library of anybody interested in the consequences of trauma and negative life events."
—Abraham Tesser
University of Georgia

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