Paperback : HK$500.00
Routledge Applied Linguistics is a series of comprehensive textbooks, providing students and researchers with the support they need for advanced study in the core areas of English language and Applied Linguistics. Each book in the series guides readers through three main sections, enabling them to explore and develop major themes within the discipline. Section A, Introduction, establishes the key terms and concepts and extends readers' techniques of analysis through practical application. Section B, Extension, brings together influential articles, sets them in context, and discusses their contribution to the field. Section C, Exploration, builds on knowledge gained in the first two sections, setting thoughtful tasks around further illustrative material. This enables readers to engage more actively with the subject matter and encourages them to develop their own research responses. Throughout the book, topics are revisited, extended, interwoven and deconstructed, with the reader's understanding strengthened by tasks and follow-up questions.
Pragmatics: Provides a broad view of pragmatics from a cross-cultural and varietal perspective, gathering readings from key names in the discipline, including Geoffrey Leech, Michael McCarthy, Thomas Kohnen, Brigette Nerlich, Joan Manes and Nessa Wolfson, Anna Wierzbicka and Gabriele Kaspar. Covers a wide range of topics, including speech acts, pragmatic markers, implicature, research methods in pragmatics, facework and politeness, and also new areas of research such as prosody Examines the social and cultural contexts in which pragmatics occurs, such as in cross-cultural pragmatics (silence, indirectness, forms of address, cultural scripts) and pragmatics and power (the courtroom, police interaction, political interviews and doctor-patient communication) Uses a wide range of corpora to provide both illustrative examples and exploratory tasks Written by experienced teachers and researchers in the field, Pragmatics provides an essential resource for students and researchers of Applied Linguistics.
Routledge Applied Linguistics is a series of comprehensive textbooks, providing students and researchers with the support they need for advanced study in the core areas of English language and Applied Linguistics. Each book in the series guides readers through three main sections, enabling them to explore and develop major themes within the discipline. Section A, Introduction, establishes the key terms and concepts and extends readers' techniques of analysis through practical application. Section B, Extension, brings together influential articles, sets them in context, and discusses their contribution to the field. Section C, Exploration, builds on knowledge gained in the first two sections, setting thoughtful tasks around further illustrative material. This enables readers to engage more actively with the subject matter and encourages them to develop their own research responses. Throughout the book, topics are revisited, extended, interwoven and deconstructed, with the reader's understanding strengthened by tasks and follow-up questions.
Pragmatics: Provides a broad view of pragmatics from a cross-cultural and varietal perspective, gathering readings from key names in the discipline, including Geoffrey Leech, Michael McCarthy, Thomas Kohnen, Brigette Nerlich, Joan Manes and Nessa Wolfson, Anna Wierzbicka and Gabriele Kaspar. Covers a wide range of topics, including speech acts, pragmatic markers, implicature, research methods in pragmatics, facework and politeness, and also new areas of research such as prosody Examines the social and cultural contexts in which pragmatics occurs, such as in cross-cultural pragmatics (silence, indirectness, forms of address, cultural scripts) and pragmatics and power (the courtroom, police interaction, political interviews and doctor-patient communication) Uses a wide range of corpora to provide both illustrative examples and exploratory tasks Written by experienced teachers and researchers in the field, Pragmatics provides an essential resource for students and researchers of Applied Linguistics.
Section A: Introduction A1. The Origins of Pragmatics A2. Research Methods in Pragmatics A3. The Semantic-Pragmatic Interface A4. Speech Acts: Doing Things With Words A5. Implicature A6. Pragmatics and discourse A7. Pragmatic Markers A8. Pragmatics, Facework and Im/Politeness A9. Pragmatics, Prosody and Gesture A10. Cross-cultural pragmatics A11. Historical Pragmatics A12. Pragmatics and Power Section B: Extension B1. The Origins of Pragmatics. Readings: B Nerlich ,History of Pragmatics (2010). G. Leech, Principles of pragmatics (1983). B2. Research Methods in Pragmatics. Readings: G Kasper, Data collection in pragmatics research (2000). J.- van der Henst and D Sperber, Testing the cognitive and communicative principles of relevance (2004) T. Kohnen, Historical corpus pragmatics (2009) B3. The Semantic-Pragmatic Interface. Readings: K.M Jasczolt, Semantics-pragmatics interface (2010). R. Stalnaker, Pragmatic presuppositions (1974). N. J. Enfield, The definition of what d’you-call-it: semantics and pragmatics of recognitional deixis (2003) B4. Speech Acts: Doing Things With Words Readings: J. Manes and N. Wolfson ,The compliment formula (1981). A Jucker, Speech act research between armchair, field and laboratory. The case of compliments. (2009). M. Eisenstein and J. Bodman, Expressing gratitude in American English (1993) B5. Implicature Readings H.P. Grice, Logic and conversation (1989). G. Leech, Semantics: the study of meaning (1981). D. Wilson, Relevance Theory (2010). B6. Pragmatics and the Structure of discourse Readings: A. Tsui, English conversation (1994). M. Stubbs, Discourse analysis (1983). M. McCarthy, Talking back: "small" interactional response tokens in everyday conversation (2003) B7. Pragmatic Markers Readings: G. Diani, The discourse functions of I don’t know in English conversation (2004). G. Gilquin, Hesitation markers among EFL learners: pragmatic deficiency or difference? (2008). C. Ruhlemann, Conversation in context. A corpus-drive approach (2007). B8. Pragmatics, Facework and (im)politeness Readings: J. O’Driscoll, Brown and Levinson’s face- how it can and can’t help us to understand interaction across cultures (2007). R. Watts, Politeness (2003). J Culpeper, D. Bousfield and A. Wichmann, Impoliteness revisited: with special reference to dynamic and prosodic aspects (2003). B9. Prosody: Intonation Readings: I. Mennen, Phonological and phonetic influences in non-native intonation (2007). A Wichmann, The intonation of please-requests: a corpus based study (2004). C Gussenhoven, The phonology of tone and intonation (2004). B10. Cross-Cultural Communication Readings: A. Wierzbicka, Cross-cultural pragmatics (2003). J. Thomas, Cross-cultural pragmatic failure (1983). M Argyl, Bodily communication (1988) B11. Historical Pragmatics Readings: J. Culpeper, Historical pragmatics (2010). T. Kohnen, Historical corpus pragmatics (2009). I. Taavitsainen and A.H. Jucker, Methinks you seem more beautiful than ever (2008). B12. Analysing Power Readings: T. Van Dijk, Discourse, context and cognition (2006). S. Harris, Pragmatics and power (1995). K. Haworth, The dynamics of power and resistance in police interview discourse (2006). Section C: Exploration C1. Choosing, Transcribing and Annotating a Dataset C2. Exploring Routinised Speech Acts Using Corpora C3. Testing for Implicatures C4. The Organization of Discourse Structure C5. Pragmatic Markers: Further Explorations C6. Facework and Im/Politeness C7. Prosody and Non-Verbal communication C8. Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Pragmatics C9. Power. References
'Pragmatics is a field of linguistics that has developed and
diversified so immensely over the past thirty years, that it can
easily make the student feel confused as well as fascinated.
Pragmatics: An advanced resource book for students is an excellent
answer to this problem – a rich tapestry of discussion, textual
materials, and thought-provoking tasks, rendering pragmatic
concepts and methods accessible both to the beginner and the
advanced student. It is highly readable yet deeply informative,
containing discussion of a wealth of stimulating and well-chosen
textual examples. It introduces a wide range of approaches and key
contributions to pragmatics with admirable clarity and
even-handedness. It will undoubtedly prove a resource of lasting
value and can be unreservedly recommended.' Geoffrey Leech,
University of Lancaster, UK'This is an unusually rich textbook,
which provides a wealth of resources for the study of the vast
field of pragmatics. It includes some of the classics in the field
as well as recent cutting-edge research in the various new
subfields of pragmatics, such as politeness research,
cross-cultural and intercultural research, and the pragmatics of
prosody and non-verbal communication, and it accompanies these with
student-friendly introductions and contextualizations as well as
eminently doable exercises and research projects.' Andreas H.
Jucker, University of Zurich, Switzerland 'This book covers a wide
range of topics, including the history and development of
pragmatics, from issues which interested the speech act
philosophers to an empirical area of study—how language is used in
communication—with data from large corpora and experimental
methods. The editors have managed to achieve a pedagogic structure
of the book which makes it an ideal student text.' Jan Svartvik,
Lund University, Sweden'If a colleague, still active in teaching
would ask me, as an emeritus, what I most regretted to have missed
in my long teaching career, a serious candidate for an answer would
be: Not to have had access to this eminent, and indeed practical,
new textbook of pragmatics.The book’s concept of having a
tripartite division into Introduction, Extension, Exploration works
very well in this case, where first, the thematic articles expound
the theory in 'bite-size', accessible format; then, the relevant
corresponding literature is grouped along the same dimensions as
are the introductory pieces; the texts (often hard to locate) are
gathered and commented on, analyzed, and finally offered up as a
springboard for ulterior, independent work.I would recommend
anybody with an interest in pragmatics (even if he or she may
currently not be teaching) to take this ‘walking tour’ of the
field, under the savvy guidance of the three authors: Archer,
Aijmer and Wichmann, who deserve to be commended for their success
in bringing pragmatics to where it actually can be taught, without
having to hew to particular or particularized opinions or
‘schools’. More generally, I found that the clear exposition,
combined with a very practical approach (such as by devising
features like ‘Summaries’ and ‘Looking Ahead’, added to each of the
subsections), the clear and comprehensive, yet succinct coverage of
many difficult subjects (such as ‘implicature’—easily among the
best I’ve come across at this level), and its up-to-date coverage
make this an ideal acquisition by any university library (and, who
knows, nary a professor wanting to bone up on his or her pragmatics
– or even that private bookworm still hiding out somewhere in the
deeper reaches of the pragmatic universe). In a more general way,
the work is eminently suited, in my judgment, as a textbook for
university courses at the senior undergraduate or early graduate
level.The editors must be praised and thanked for putting together
this true treasure trove of well-cross-referenced and intelligently
selected contributions, along with a near-flawless bibliography.'
Jacob L. Mey, University of Southern Denmark
'This is a very laudable and timely initiative to present
pragmatics in all its richness and to bring out its
multi-disciplinary potential... It is a very rich and inspiring
source for the student and the course instructor alike.' -
LINGUIST'Pragmatics is a field of linguistics that has developed
and diversified so immensely over the past thirty years, that it
can easily make the student feel confused as well as fascinated.
Pragmatics: An advanced resource book for students is an excellent
answer to this problem – a rich tapestry of discussion, textual
materials, and thought-provoking tasks, rendering pragmatic
concepts and methods accessible both to the beginner and the
advanced student. It is highly readable yet deeply informative,
containing discussion of a wealth of stimulating and well-chosen
textual examples. It introduces a wide range of approaches and key
contributions to pragmatics with admirable clarity and
even-handedness. It will undoubtedly prove a resource of lasting
value and can be unreservedly recommended.' – Geoffrey Leech,
University of Lancaster, UK'This is an unusually rich textbook,
which provides a wealth of resources for the study of the vast
field of pragmatics. It includes some of the classics in the field
as well as recent cutting-edge research in the various new
subfields of pragmatics, such as politeness research,
cross-cultural and intercultural research, and the pragmatics of
prosody and non-verbal communication, and it accompanies these with
student-friendly introductions and contextualizations as well as
eminently doable exercises and research projects.' – Andreas H.
Jucker, University of Zurich, Switzerland 'This book covers a wide
range of topics, including the history and development of
pragmatics, from issues which interested the speech act
philosophers to an empirical area of study—how language is used in
communication—with data from large corpora and experimental
methods. The editors have managed to achieve a pedagogic structure
of the book which makes it an ideal student text.' – Jan Svartvik,
Lund University, Sweden'If a colleague, still active in teaching
would ask me, as an emeritus, what I most regretted to have missed
in my long teaching career, a serious candidate for an answer would
be: Not to have had access to this eminent, and indeed practical,
new textbook of pragmatics.The book’s concept of having a
tripartite division into Introduction, Extension, Exploration works
very well in this case, where first, the thematic articles expound
the theory in 'bite-size', accessible format; then, the relevant
corresponding literature is grouped along the same dimensions as
are the introductory pieces; the texts (often hard to locate) are
gathered and commented on, analyzed, and finally offered up as a
springboard for ulterior, independent work.I would recommend
anybody with an interest in pragmatics (even if he or she may
currently not be teaching) to take this ‘walking tour’ of the
field, under the savvy guidance of the three authors: Archer,
Aijmer and Wichmann, who deserve to be commended for their success
in bringing pragmatics to where it actually can be taught, without
having to hew to particular or particularized opinions or
‘schools’. More generally, I found that the clear exposition,
combined with a very practical approach (such as by devising
features like ‘Summaries’ and ‘Looking Ahead’, added to each of the
subsections), the clear and comprehensive, yet succinct coverage of
many difficult subjects (such as ‘implicature’—easily among the
best I’ve come across at this level), and its up-to-date coverage
make this an ideal acquisition by any university library (and, who
knows, nary a professor wanting to bone up on his or her pragmatics
– or even that private bookworm still hiding out somewhere in the
deeper reaches of the pragmatic universe). In a more general way,
the work is eminently suited, in my judgment, as a textbook for
university courses at the senior undergraduate or early graduate
level.The editors must be praised and thanked for putting together
this true treasure trove of well-cross-referenced and intelligently
selected contributions, along with a near-flawless bibliography.' –
Jacob L. Mey, University of Southern Denmark"This book helps us to
broaden our understanding of the use of language in context and is
thus essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students of
language as well as for teachers. Those who ignore it will do so at
their own peril." -- Vahid Parvaresh, University of Isfahan,
Discourse Studies
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