Cerebral Blood Flow, Don Reis.
L. Sokoloff, Anatomy: Arterial Innervation, Cerebral Veins, and
G.J. del Zoppo, Embryogenesis and Angiogenesis.
G. Feurerstein and A. Miller, Vasoactive Mediators of Cerebral
F.M. Faraci and D. Heistad, Biology of Cerebral Vascular
P.A. Stewart, Glial-Vascular Relations.
W. Pardridge, Transport Mechanism.
S.I. Rapoport, Brain Edema and the Blood-Brain Barrier.
G.A. Rosenberg, CSF: Formation, Absorption, Markers and
Relationship to Blood-Brain Barrier.
C. Iadecola, Principles and Methods for Measurement of Cerebral
Blood Flow.
J. Mazziotta, M. Cohen, and A. Toga, The Measurement of Cerebral
Blood Flow and Metabolism in Human Subjects.
P.D. Hurm and R. Traystman, Overview of Cerebrovascular
A.G. Hudetz, Cerebral Microcirculation.
J-M. Chillon and G. Baumbach, Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood
D. Traystman, Regulation of CBF by Carbon Dioxide.
E. Golanov and D. Reis, Regulation of CBF by Hypoxia.
L. Edvinsson and P.J. Goadsby, Extrinsic Innervation: Transmitters,
Receptors and Functions--The Sympathetic Nervous System.
P.J. Goadsby and L. Edvinsson, Extrinsic Innervation: Transmitters,
Receptors and Functions--The Parasympathetic Nervous System.
P.J. Goadsby and L. Edvinsson, Extrinsic Innervation: Transmitters,
Receptors and Functions--the Trigeminovascular System.
P. Magistretti, Coupling of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.
U. Dirnagl and J. Dreier, Regulation of CBF by Ions21.
H.R. Winn, Adenosine and Its Receptors: Influence on Cerebral Blood
G. Bonvento and E.T. MacKenzie, Serotonin and Its Receptors.
D.G. Linville and E. Hamel, Acetylcholine and Its Receptors.
P.M. Lacombe and E. MacKenzie, Catecholamines and Their
J. McCulloch, Neuropeptide Transmitters and Their Receptors.
D.W. Busija, Eicosanoids and Cerebrovascular Control.
T. Dalkara and M.A. Moskowitz, The Role of Nitric Oxide in Cerebral
Pathogenesis and Pathology, Bo Siesjo.
M. Leist and P. Nicotera, Cell Death: Apoptosis Versus
W. Pulsinelli, Selective Neuronal Vulnerability and Infarction in
Cerebrovascular Disease.
J.H. Garcia, Evolution of Brain Lesion Induced by Experimental
Focal Ischemia.
A. Tamura and H. Nakayama, Neuronal Damage in Remote Areas After
Focal Cerebral Infarct.
C.D. Lacola and R.P. Kraig, Astrocyte Reaction to Global Ischemic
Brain Injury.
D. Guilian, Microglia and Inflammatory Responses.
M.D. Ginsberg, Animal Models of Global and Focal Cerebral
P.H. Chan, Transgenic Mice.
C. Whalestedt, Gene Knock-Out Techniques.
U. Dimagl, Measurements of Microcirculatory Events in the Brain in
R.A. Knight and M. Chopp, Imaging Techniques for Focal Ischemic
B.B. Johansson, Hypertension.
K. Rajamani and Mark Fisher, An Overview of Atherosclerosis.
H.-P. Haring and G.J. del Zoppo, Thrombosis.
A. Baethmann and F. Straub, Cellular Edema.
A.L. Betz, Vasogenic Brain Edema.
K.-I. Katsura., Acidosis as a Complicating Factor in Cerebral
W.D. Dietrich and R. Busto, Hyperthermia and Brain Ischemia.
R.A. Floyd, Production of Free Radicals.
K.A. Hossmann, Peri-Infarct Depolarization Waves.
B. Siesjo and Tibor Kirstian, Cell Calcium Homeostatis and
Calcium-Related Ischemic Damage.
M. Erecinska and I.A. Silver, Loss of Neuronal Calcium Homeostasis
in Ischemia.
N.R. Sims, Mitochondrial Function and Calcium Sequestration During
D.W. Choi, The Excitotoxic Concept.
M. Tymianski and R.G. Sattler, Is Calcium Involved in
Excitotoxic/Ischemic Neuronal Damage?
N. Bazan, Lipid Metabolities as Mediators of Cell Death.
N. Kawai and H. Tsubokawa, The Role of Inositol Phospholipid
V. Bruno, A. Copani, G. Battaglia, G. Casabona, and F. Nicoletti,
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors as a Drug Target in Brain
E.D. Hall, Lipid Peroxidation.
P.S. Cole, M.E. Harris, J.M. Carney, N.C. Hall, and D.A.
Butterfield, Methods of Evaluating Protein Oxidation Induced by
Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury.
T. Dallkara and M.A. Moskowitz, The Role of Nitric Oxide in
Cerebral Ischemia.
J. Beckman, Nitric Oxide, Superoxide, and Peroxynitrate in CNS
S.A. Lipton, NO-Related Species: Neuroprotection Versus
W. Kuschinsky, Microvascular Patency in Ischemia and
G.J. del Zoppo, Reperfusion Damage: The Role of PMN Leukocytes.
G. Feuerstein, Inflammatory Mediators in Brain Microvessels.
B.K. Siesjo and M-L. Smith, Mechanisms of Acidosis-Related
T.W. Wieloch, The Signal Transduction Pathway: An Integrated
P. Gass, C. Sommer, and M. Kiessling, Immediate Early Gene
Expression After Global Cerebral Ischemia and Ischemia Tolerance
T. Nowak, Jr., The Heat Shock/Stress Response After Ischemia.
Mark P. Mattson, Trophic Factors and Brain Cell Survival.
T. Kirnino, Ischemic Tolerance.
D.L. Small and A.M. Buchan, NMDA and AMPA Receptor Antagonists in
Global and Focal Ischemia.
B. Meldrum, Sodium Channel Antagonists.
J.W. Phillis, Adenosine Agonists and Antagonists.
C.P. Taylor, Phenytoin and Fosphenytoin.
E.D. Hall, Antioxidant 21-aminosteroids.
J.W. Phillis, Free Radical Scavengers and Spin Traps.
Y. Yamasaki and Kyuya Kogure, Cytokines, Growth Factors and
Adhesion Molecules in Inflammatory Reaction After Brain Damage.
J-M. Ren and S.P. Finklestein, Trophic Factor Treatment for
M.D. Ginsberg, Hypothermic Neuroprotection in Cerebral Ischemia
Medical and Surgical Aspects: Louis Caplan, Bryce Weir and Mike
S.F. Ameriso and S. Sahai, Mechanisms of Ischemia in Situ Vascular
Occlusive Disease.
V Castillo and J. Bogousslavsky, Brain Embolism.
J.L. Bernat, Systemic Hypoperfusion Brain Injury.
M.S. Pessin, Anterior Circulation--Large Artery Occlusive Disease
and Embolism.
Robert Joseph Wityk, Posterior Circulation--Large Artery Occlusive
Disease and Embolism.
M. Hommel, Small Artery Occlusive Disease.
L. Caplan, Vascular Dementia.
L.R. Rogers, Stroke and Neoplasia.
B.T. Troost, Stroke and the Eye.
V.M. Rivera, Corticosteroids in Acute Stroke.
V.M. Rivera, Spinal Stroke.
Stephen J. Kittner and Trudy Bush, Pregnancy, Hormonal
Contraception, and Postmenopausal Estrogen Replacement Therapy.
M.I. Chimowitz, Ischemic Stroke in the Young.
J.P. Broderick, Stroke and Migraine.
P. Mitsias, Head Pain and Stroke.
A. Valadka and C.S. Robertson, Stroke Secondary to Trauma.
M.R. Mayberg, Radiation Arteriopathy.
P. Amerenco, Aortic Arch Artherosclerotic Disease.
M. O'Brien, Rare Stroke.
C.F. Bladin and J.W. Norris, Stroke and Seizures/Epilepsy.
G.E. Tietjen, Transient Focal Neurologic Events.
R. Atkinson, Pediatric Stroke.
J.S. Meyer, T. Shirai, and H. Akiyama, Vascular Dementia.
B. Johansson, Hypertensive Encephalotherapy.
G.A. Rosenberg, White Matter Disorders.
P. Moore, Immune Mediated Neurovascular Disease.
S.R. Levine, Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome.
M-G. Bousser, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.
B. Mokri, Spontaneous Dissections of Cervicocephalic Arteries.
J.A. Hunchey and A.J. Furlan, The Heart in Stroke.
B.M. Couil, Primary Coagulopathies/DIC in Stroke Hematologic
Coagulopathy in Stroke.
L.R. Anderson and W.M. Feinberg, Primary Platelet Disorders.
E.A. Sekul and R.J. Adams, Stroke and Sickle Cell Disease.
H. Chabriat, CADASIL.
M. Sloan, Toxicity/Substance Abuse.
A.A. Kurdi and B.A. Yaqub, Stroke and Infection: Tuberculosis,
Brucellosis and Syphillis.
J.C.M. Brust, AIDS and Stroke.
M.R. Chicoine and R.G. Dacey, Clinical Aspects of Subarachnoid
J.L. Voelker and H.H. Kaufman, Clinical Aspects of Intracerebral
J.M. Findlay and J.H. Wong, Clinical Aspects of Intraventricular
R. Kim and P.R. Cooper, Clinical Aspects of Subdural Hemorrhage
R.H. Winn, Timing of Surgery and Features of Ruptured Anterior
Circulation Aneurysm.
J.M. Sheehan, G.A. Helm, J.P. Sheehan and N. Kassell, Surgical
Management of Acutely Ruptured Posterior Circulation Aneurysm.
L. Dickinson and A.L. Day, Surgical Management of the Patient with
Symptomatic Unruptured Aneurysm.
R.A. Solomon, Surgical Management of Patient with Incidental,
Asymptomatic Aneurysm.
T. Kopitnik and D.S. Samson, Surgical Management of Patient with a
Giant Aneurysm.
C.L. Schnee and E.S. Flamm, Surgical Management of Special
R.L. Macdonald, Surgical Management of Aneurysms in the Pediatric
Age Group.
R.L. Macdonald, Unique Features of Aneurysms by Location.
R.L. Macdonald, Cerebral Vasospasm.
G.W. Britz and M.R. Mayberg, Pathology of Cerebral Aneurysms and
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
C.M. Loftus, Management of Intracerebellar Hematomas and
E.R. Laws, Jr., Surgical Management of Pituitary Apoplexy.
M.T. Lawton and R.F. Spetler, Surgical Management of Acutely
Ruptured Arteriovenous Malformations.
C. David and R.C. Heros, Surgical Management of Unruptured
G.M. Malik, Special Considerations in Treating Arteriovenous
S.A. Toms and D. Chyatte, Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.
N.A. Martin and R. Patwardhan, Venous Angiomas.
J. Kernan, G. Nesbit, and S. Barnwell, Vein of Galen
D.A. Wecht and I.A. Awad, Carotid Cavernous and Other Dural
Arteriovenous Fistulas.
J.M. Tew and S. Sathi, Caverous Malformations.
D.L. Barrow, Spinal Vascular Malformations.
M.R. Hahn, R.C. Mendel and L.P. Carter, Extracranial Arterial
F.G. Diaz, Surgical Aspects of Vertebral Basilar
F.B. Meyer and N.C. Fode, Middle Cerebral Artery Embolectomy.
B. Weir, Extracranial and Intracranial Bypass Procedures.
H. Yonas, Surgery for Ischemic Infarcts.
J.T. Robertson, Carotid Endarterectomy.
T. Fukushima, Surgical Aspects of Moyamoya Disease
Investigation and Management, Mike Welch.
L. Caplan, Clinical Diagnosis and General Laboratory
J.R. Carhuapoma and K.M.A. Welch, Cerebral Spinal Fluid in
N.J. Beauchamp and R.N. Bryan, Neuroimaging of Stroke.
B. Mehta, Cerebral Arteriography.
A.V. Alexandrov and J.W. Norris, Cervical Ultrasound.
R.M. Dafer and N.M. Ramadan, Transcrania Doppler Sonography and
J.J. Halperin, Cardiac Ultrasound in Stroke Investigation.
M.R. DiTullio, R. Sacco, and S. Homma, Ultrasound Examination of
the Aortic Arch in Stroke.
T-S. Olsen, SPECT in Stroke Investigation.
R. Frackowiak, PET CBF Investigation of Stroke.
Y. Cao, Functional Magnetics Resonance Imaging in Stroke.
C.P. Derdeyn and W.J. Powers, Metabolic Studies Using PET in Stroke
P.B. Barker, Metabolism: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and
Spectroscopic Imaging.
C. Webb, Cardiac Electrophysiology in Stroke Investigation.
G.G. Brown and S.S. Kinderman, Neuropsychological Aspects of
M. De Marinis, Investigation of Autonomic Dysfunction in Acute
T. Kwiatkowski and R.B. Libman, Emergency Strategies.
J.B. Terry and D.F. Hanley, General Treatment in Intensive Care
Setting Stroke.
J.B. Terry and D.F. Hanley, Physiologic Monitoring of Stroke in
Intensive Care Setting.
J.B. Terry and D.F. Hanley, Evaluation of Stroke Patients in
Intensive Care Setting.
S.C. Fagan, Management of Hypertension in Stroke.
F.W. Whitehouse, Management of Diabetes in Stroke.
S.M. Oppenheimer, Management of Cardiac/ECG Complications of
M. De Marinis, Management of Dysautonomia/Hypotension.
R.J. Gerwitz and G.K. Steinberg, Management of Cerebreal Edema/ICP
in Stroke.
R.G. Robinson and S. Paradiso, Depression, Psychosis, Agitation in
B. Smith, Management of Seizures in Acute Stroke.
J.A. Sandin III, M.K. Baskaya, and R.J. Dempsey, Management of
Lipid Metabolism.
C.M. Helgason, Mechanisms of Antiplatelet Agents and Their
Prevention of Stroke.
D.G. Sherman and D. Lalonde, Anticoagulants in Stroke.
T.G. Brott, J.P. Broderick, and R. Kothari, Thrombolysis for Acute
Ischemic Stroke.
D. Chiu and J.C. Grotta, Current Clinical Status of
T. Shirai, J.S. Meyer, and H. Akiyama, Management of Acute Stroke
with Hyperosmolar Agents.
F. McDowell, Rehabilitation for Victims of Stroke.
J.L. Poole, Rehabilitation: Occupational Therapy for Stroke.
S.J. Olney and C.S. Martin, Diseases: Physical Therapy.
P.A. Wolf, Epidemiology and Risk Factor Management.
H.J.M. Barnett and H.E. Meldrum, The Prevention of Ischemic
K. Murros and J.F. Toole, Management of Asymptomatic Extracranial
Carotid Artery Disease.
J.K. Roberts and J.P. Mohr, Stroke in Evolution.
R.T.F. Cheung and V. Hachinski, Management of Vascular
D.J. Thomas, Basilar Thrombosis.
H. Mansbach, Stroke Units.
R.G. Hart, Management of Atrial Fibrillation.
D. Barbut and L.R. Caplan, Cerebrovascular Complications of Cardiac
R.G. Hart, Management of Atrial Fibrillation.
J.A. Zivin, Emerging Treatments for Stroke.
L.N. Hopkins, L.R. Guterman, and K.J.Gibbons, Endovascular Therapy
for the Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disease.
Key Features
* Presents topics in a comprehensive and accessible format
* Written by international authorities on cerebral vasculature
* Provides practical applications for researchers
Louis R. Caplan, M.D. (Editor)Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard University, Boston, MADr. Caplan is a world-renowned neuroscientist and a senior member of the Division of Cerebrovascular Disease at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston. He is a Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and the founder of the Harvard Stroke Registry. Dr. Caplan is the author or editor of 45 books and more than 700 articles in medical journals. He is a member of many professional societies, serving as an officer on committees for the American Heart Association, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Neurological Association. He has served as the Chair of both the Boston Society of Neurology and the Chicago Neurological Society.
"The editors are outstanding figures in modern stroke science. This is an extremely comprehensive, high-quality primer composed of numerous short, well-edited, informative chapters written by notable authorities." --Steven U. Brint, MD, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, for DOODY'S PUBLISHING REVIEWS
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