This work dissects official propaganda to argue that public support for the war on Iraq was secured through lies and distortions. Two crucial distortions involved misrepresenting the UN Resolutions on Iraq, and lying about the position of President Chirac in the weeks before the war. The author of the popular "Arrow Anti-War Briefings" also reveals that the British Government was forced to frantically draw up contingency plans to withdraw from the invasion force only days before the war began, in large part because of the power of the global anti-war movement.
This work dissects official propaganda to argue that public support for the war on Iraq was secured through lies and distortions. Two crucial distortions involved misrepresenting the UN Resolutions on Iraq, and lying about the position of President Chirac in the weeks before the war. The author of the popular "Arrow Anti-War Briefings" also reveals that the British Government was forced to frantically draw up contingency plans to withdraw from the invasion force only days before the war began, in large part because of the power of the global anti-war movement.
Echoing Voices
Introduction: Tony Blair Wobbled—We Nearly Derailed The War
1. Argument Over—The War Was Wrong
2. ‘Regime Change’—A Prior Commitment
3. First Strike—The February 2001 Bombing Of Baghdad
4. Sickly Inhibitions—The Political Significance Of 11
5. George Bush Lied—Misconnecting Iraq, WMD And Terrorism
6. The First Ultimatum—The Five Demands
7. Disaster Strikes—Iraq Accepts The Weapons Inspectors
8. The Minefield—Resolution 1441: Designed To Be Refused
9. No Smoke, No Gun—No Evidence Discovered
10. Colin Powell Lied—Turning On The Inspectors
11. Inspection Was An Option—Qualitative Disarmament
12. Blitzing Dr Blix—UNMOVIC Resists
13. The Censored Document—Destroying The Inspectors
14. Authority And Power—US–UK Versus The UN
15. Regime Reloaded—Re-Nazifying Iraq
16. Hitler Won—False De-Nazification
17. Coup d’État—The US Wanted A Coup
18. Why ‘Regime Stabilization’?—Turkey and Saudi Arabia Need
19. Crushing the Resistance—After WWII: Betraying The
20. Regime Revolutions—De-Ba‘athification?
21. Shia Power—A Looming Confrontation With The People Of Iraq
22. Sunni Rage—After Falluja
23. Capitalism’s War
24. Regime Unchanged
Postscript—What Would You Have Done?
Contributor Notes
Milan Rai founded the British branch of Voices in the Wilderness and co-founded the anti-war group ARROW, a London-based direct action and anti-war information group. He is author of numerous books, including 7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War (Pluto Press, 2006) and Regime Unchanged: Why the War on Iraq Changed Nothing (Pluto Press, 2003).
'A magnificent expose of the lies that propelled the criminal
attack on Iraq'
*John Pilger*
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