This major four-volume collection will prove invaluable for lecturers, researchers and practitioners. The first volume covers the case for and against banking regulation, touching upon the design of an 'optimal' regulatory framework. The second discusses deposit insurance, examining the arguments for and against its adoption and the problems encountered in its implementation. The material in the third volume deals with the vexed issue of capital adequacy assessment, including the roles played by capital and capital regulation and the G10 agreement. The final volume looks at the links between regulation and banking efficiency.
This major four-volume collection will prove invaluable for lecturers, researchers and practitioners. The first volume covers the case for and against banking regulation, touching upon the design of an 'optimal' regulatory framework. The second discusses deposit insurance, examining the arguments for and against its adoption and the problems encountered in its implementation. The material in the third volume deals with the vexed issue of capital adequacy assessment, including the roles played by capital and capital regulation and the G10 agreement. The final volume looks at the links between regulation and banking efficiency.
Volume I: The Case for and Against Banking Regulation
Preface Maximilian J.B. Hall
Introduction Maximilian J.B. Hall
1. Joseph Aharony and Itzhak Swary (1996), ‘Additional Evidence on
the Information-based Contagion Effects of Bank Failures’
2. Robert B. Avery, Terrence M. Belton and Michael A. Goldberg
(1988), ‘Market Discipline in Regulating Bank Risk: New Evidence
from the Capital Markets’
3. George J. Benston and George G. Kaufman (1995), ‘Is the Banking
and Payments System Fragile?’
4. George J. Benston and George G. Kaufman (1996), ‘The Appropriate
Role of Bank Regulation’
5. Ben S. Bernanke (1983), ‘Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial
Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression’
6. Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler (1990), ‘Financial Fragility and
Economic Performance’
7. Sudipto Bhattacharya, Arnoud W.A. Boot and Anjan V. Thakor
(1998), ‘The Economics of Bank Regulation’
8. Matthew T. Billett, Jon A. Garfinkel and Edward S. O’Neal
(1998), ‘The Cost of Market versus Regulatory Discipline in
9. Michael D. Bordo (1992), ‘The Lender of Last Resort: Some
Insights from History’
10. Charles W. Calomiris and Charles M. Kahn (1991), ‘The Role of
Demandable Debt in Structuring Optimal Banking Arrangements’
11. Charles W. Calomiris and Joseph R. Mason (1997), ‘Contagion and
Bank Failures During the Great Depression: The June 1932 Chicago
Banking Panic’
12. V.V. Chari and Ravi Jagannathan (1988), ‘Banking Panics,
Information, and Rational Expectations Equilibrium’
13. Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig (1983), ‘Bank Runs,
Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity’
14. Kevin Dowd (1994), ‘Competitive Banking, Bankers’ Clubs, and
Bank Regulation’
15. Kevin Dowd (1996), ‘The Case for Financial Laissez-Faire’
16. Robert A. Eisenbeis (1995), ‘Private Sector Solutions to
Payments System Fragility’
17. David M. Ellis and Mark J. Flannery (1992), ‘Does the Debt
Market Assess Large Banks’ Risk? Time Series Evidence from Money
Center CDs’
18. Eugene F. Fama (1985), ‘What’s Different About Banks?’
19. Mark J. Flannery (1996), ‘Financial Crises, Payment System
Problems, and Discount Window Lending’
20. Mark J. Flannery (1998), ‘Using Market Information in
Prudential Bank Supervision: A Review of the U.S. Empirical
21. Mark J. Flannery and Sorin M. Sorescu (1996), ‘Evidence of Bank
Market Discipline in Subordinated Debenture Yields: 1983–1991’
22. C.A.E. Goodhart (1987), ‘Why Do Banks Need a Central Bank?’
23. Gary Gorton (1985), ‘Bank Suspension of Convertibility’
24. Gary Gorton and Anthony M. Santomero (1990), ‘Market Discipline
and Bank Subordinated Debt’
25. Iftekhar Hasan and Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr. (1994), ‘Bank Runs in
the Free Banking Period’
26. Christopher James (1991), ‘The Losses Realized in Bank
27. G.D. Koppenhaver and Roger D. Stover (1994), ‘Standby Letters
of Credit and Bank Capital: Evidence of Market Discipline’
28. David Miles (1995), ‘Optimal Regulation of Deposit Taking
Financial Intermediaries’
29. Sangkyun Park (1991), ‘Bank Failure Contagion in Historical
30. Sangkyun Park and Stavros Peristiani (1998), ‘Market Discipline
by Thrift Depositors’
31. Andrew Postlewaite and Xavier Vives (1987), ‘Bank Runs as an
Equilibrium Phenomenon’
32. Myron B. Slovin, Marie E. Sushka and John A. Polonchek (1993),
‘The Value of Bank Durability: Borrowers as Bank Stakeholders’
Name Index
Volume II: Deposit Insurance
Preface Maximilian J.B. Hall
Introduction Maximilian J.B. Hall
1. Sankarshan Acharya and Jean-François Dreyfus (1989), ‘Optimal
Bank Reorganization Policies and the Pricing of Federal Deposit
2. Linda Allen and Anthony Saunders (1993), ‘Forbearance and
Valuation of Deposit Insurance as a Callable Put’
3. Robert B. Avery and Allen N. Berger (1991), ‘Risk-based Capital
and Deposit Insurance Reform’
4. George J. Benston and George G. Kaufman (1993), ‘Deposit
Insurance Reform: A Functional Approach: A Comment’
5. George J. Benston and George G. Kaufman (1997), ‘FDICIA After
Five Years’
6. Mitchell Berlin, Anthony Saunders and Gregory F. Udell (1991),
‘Deposit Insurance Reform: What Are the Issues and What Needs to be
7. Fischer Black and Myron Scholes (1973), ‘The Pricing of Options
and Corporate Liabilities’
8. Elijah Brewer III and Thomas H. Modschean (1994), ‘An Empirical
Test of the Incentive Effects of Deposit Insurance: The Case of
Junk Bonds at Savings and Loan Associations’
9. Stephen A. Buser, Andrew H. Chen and Edward J. Kane (1981),
‘Federal Deposit Insurance, Regulatory Policy, and Optimal Bank
10. Yuk-shee Chan, Stuart I. Greenbaum and Anjan V. Thakor (1992),
‘Is Fairly Priced Deposit Insurance Possible?’
11. Roger Craine (1995), ‘Fairly Priced Deposit Insurance and Bank
Charter Policy’
12. Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig (1986), ‘Banking
Theory, Deposit Insurance, and Bank Regulation’
13. Jean-François Dreyfus, Anthony Saunders and Linda Allen (1994),
‘Deposit Insurance and Regulatory Forbearance: Are Caps on Insured
Deposits Optimal?’
14. Jin-Chuan Duan, Arthur F. Moreau and C.W. Sealey (1992),
‘Fixed-rate Deposit Insurance and Risk-shifting Behavior at
Commercial Banks’
15. Mark J. Flannery (1991), ‘Pricing Deposit Insurance When the
Insurer Measures Bank Risk With Error’
16. Mark J. Flannery (1993), ‘Deposit Insurance Reform: A
Functional Approach: A Comment’
17. Maximilian John Bettles Hall (1999), ‘Deposit Insurance Reform
in Japan: Better Late Than Never?’
18. Paul M. Horvitz (1983), ‘The Case Against Risk-related Deposit
Insurance Premiums’
19. Kose John, Teresa A. John and Lemma W. Senbet (1991),
‘Risk-shifting Incentives of Depository Institutions: A New
Perspective on Federal Deposit Insurance Reform’
20. Edward J. Kane (1986), ‘Appearance and Reality in Deposit
Insurance: The Case for Reform’
21. Edward J. Kane (1995), ‘Three Paradigms for the Role of
Capitalization Requirements in Insured Financial Institutions’
22. Sarah B. Kendall and Mark E. Levonian (1991), ‘A Simple
Approach to Better Deposit Insurance Pricing’
23. Alan J. Marcus and Israel Shaked (1984), ‘The Valuation of FDIC
Deposit Insurance Using Option-pricing Estimates’
24. J. Huston McCulloch (1985), ‘Interest-risk Sensitive Deposit
Insurance Premia: Stable ACH Estimates’
25. Robert C. Merton (1977), ‘An Analytic Derivation of the Cost of
Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantees: An Application of Modern
Option Pricing Theory’
26. Robert C. Merton (1978), ‘On the Cost of Deposit Insurance When
There Are Surveillance Costs’
27. Robert C. Merton and Zvi Bodie (1993), ‘Deposit Insurance
Reform: A Functional Approach’
28. George G. Pennacchi (1987), ‘Alternative Forms of Deposit
Insurance: Pricing and Bank Incentive Issues’
29. George G. Pennacchi (1987), ‘A Reexamination of the Over- (or
Under-) Pricing of Deposit Insurance’
30. Ehud I. Ronn and Avinash K. Verma (1986), ‘Pricing
Risk-adjusted Deposit Insurance: An Option-based Model’
31. James B. Thomson (1987), ‘The Use of Market Information in
Pricing Deposit Insurance’
Name Index
Volume III: The Regulation of Bank Capital
Preface Maximilian J.B. Hall
Introduction Maximilian J.B. Hall
1. Allen N. Berger, Richard J. Herring and Giorgio P. Szegö (1995),
‘The Role of Capital in Financial Institutions’
2. Roger D. Blair and Arnold A. Heggestad (1978), ‘Bank Portfolio
Regulation and the Probability of Bank Failure’
3. Jürg Blum and Martin Hellwig (1995), ‘The Macroeconomic
Implications of Capital Adequacy Requirements for Banks’
4. Mark J. Flannery (1989), ‘Capital Regulation and Insured Banks’
Choice of Individual Loan Default Risks’
5. Frederick T. Furlong and Michael C. Keeley (1989), ‘Capital
Regulation and Bank Risk-taking: A Note’
6. Gerard Gennotte and David Pyle (1991), ‘Capital Controls and
Bank Risk’
7. Yehuda Kahane (1977), ‘Capital Adequacy and the Regulation of
Financial Intermediaries’
8. Michael C. Keeley and Frederick T. Furlong (1990), ‘A
Reexamination of Mean-variance Analysis of Bank Capital
9. Daesik Kim and Anthony M. Santomero (1988), ‘Risk in Banking and
Capital Regulation’
10. Michael Koehn and Anthony M. Santomero (1980), ‘Regulation of
Bank Capital and Portfolio Risk’
11. Merton H. Miller (1995), ‘Do the M&M Propositions Apply to
12. Joe Peek and Eric S. Rosengren (1997), ‘Derivatives Activity at
Troubled Banks’
13. John J. Pringle (1974), ‘The Capital Decision in Commercial
14. David H. Pyle (1986), ‘Capital Regulation and Deposit
15. Jean-Charles Rochet (1992), ‘Capital Requirements and the
Behaviour of Commercial Banks’
16. Anthony M. Santomero and Ronald D. Watson (1977), ‘Determining
an Optimal Capital Standard for the Banking Industry’
17. Jean Tirole (1994), ‘On Banking and Intermediation’
18. Allen N. Berger and Gregory F. Udell (1994), ‘Did Risk-based
Capital Allocate Bank Credit and Cause a “Credit Crunch” in the
United States?’
19. Jürg Blum (1999), ‘Do Capital Adequacy Requirements Reduce
Risks in Banking?’
20. Michael Bowe and Maximilian J.B. Hall (1998), ‘A Comparison of
Capital Standards and Proprietary Surveillance as Mechanisms for
Regulating Financial Market Risk in the EU’
21. Maximilian J.B. Hall (1992), ‘Implementation of the BIS "Rules"
on Capital Adequacy Assessment: A Comparative Study of the
Approaches Adopted in the UK, the USA and Japan’
22. Maximilian J.B. Hall (1994), ‘The Measurement and Assessment of
Capital Adequacy for Banks: A Critique of the G-10 Agreement’
23. Maximilian J.B. Hall (1997), ‘Banking Regulation in the
European Union: Some Issues and Concerns’
24. Diana Hancock and James A. Wilcox (1998), ‘The "Credit Crunch"
and the Availability of Credit to Small Business’
25. Patricia Jackson and William Perraudin (2000), ‘Regulatory
Implications of Credit Risk Modelling’
26. Kevin Jacques and Peter Nigro (1997), ‘Risk-based Capital,
Portfolio Risk, and Bank Capital: A Simultaneous Equations
27. Julapa Jagtiani, Anthony Saunders and Gregory Udell (1995),
‘The Effect of Bank Capital Requirements on Bank Off-balance Sheet
Financial Innovations’
28. David Jones (2000), ‘Emerging Problems with the Basel Capital
Accord: Regulatory Capital Arbitrage and Related Issues’
29. Sangkyun Park (1997), ‘Risk-taking Behavior of Banks under
30. Joe Peek and Eric Rosengren (1995), ‘Bank Regulation and the
Credit Crunch’
31. Joe Peek and Eric Rosengren (1995), ‘The Capital Crunch:
Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be’
32. Stephen M. Schaefer (1990), ‘The Regulation of Banks and
Securities Firms’
33. Ronald E. Shrieves and Drew Dahl (1992), ‘The Relationship
Between Risk and Capital in Commercial Banks’
34. John D. Wagster (1996), ‘Impact of the 1988 Basle Accord on
International Banks’
35. John D. Wagster (1999), ‘The Basle Accord of 1988 and the
International Credit Crunch of 1989–1992’
Name Index
Volume IV: Regulation and Efficiency in Banking
Preface Maximilian J.B. Hall
Introduction Maximilian J.B. Hall
1. Sigbjørn Atle Berg, Finn R. Førsund, Lennart Hjalmarsson and
Matti Suominen (1993), ‘Banking Efficiency in the Nordic
2. Sigbjørn Atle Berg, Finn R. Førsund and Eilev S. Jansen (1992),
‘Malmquist Indices of Productivity Growth during the Deregulation
of Norwegian Banking, 1980–89’
3. Sigbjørn Atle Berg and Moshe Kim (1994), ‘Oligopolistic
Interdependence and the Structure of Production in Banking: An
Empirical Evaluation’
4. Allen N. Berger (1995), ‘The Profit-structure Relationship in
Banking – Tests of Market-power and Efficient-structure
5. Allen N. Berger and Robert DeYoung (1997), ‘Problem Loans and
Cost Efficiency in Commercial Banks’
6. Allen N. Berger, Gerald A. Hanweck and David B. Humphrey (1987),
‘Competitive Viability in Banking: Scale, Scope, and Product Mix
7. Allen N. Berger and David B. Humphrey (1991), ‘The Dominance of
Inefficiencies Over Scale and Product Mix Economies in Banking’
8. Allen N. Berger and David B. Humphrey (1997), ‘Efficiency of
Financial Institutions: International Survey and Directions for
Future Research’
9. Allen N. Berger, William C. Hunter and Stephen G. Timme (1993),
‘The Efficiency of Financial Institutions: A Review and Preview of
Research Past, Present, and Future’
10. Allen N. Berger and Loretta J. Mester (1997), ‘Inside the Black
Box: What Explains Differences in the Efficiencies of Financial
11. A. Sinan Cebenoyan, Elizabeth S. Cooperman and Charles A.
Register (1993), ‘Firm Efficiency and the Regulatory Closure of S &
Ls: An Empirical Investigation’
12. Robert DeYoung, Iftekhar Hasan and Bruce Kirchhoff (1998), ‘The
Impact of Out-of-state Entry on the Cost Efficiency of Local
Commercial Banks’
13. Gary D. Ferrier, Shawna Grosskopf, Kathy J. Hayes and Suthathip
Yaisawarng (1993), ‘Economies of Diversification in the Banking
Industry: A Frontier Approach’
14. R. Alton Gilbert and Paul W. Wilson (1998), ‘Effects of
Deregulation on the Productivity of Korean Banks’
15. E. Grifell-Tatjé and C.A.K. Lovell (1996), ‘Deregulation and
Productivity Decline: The Case of Spanish Savings Banks’
16. S. Grosskopf (1996), ‘Statistical Inference and Nonparametric
Efficiency: A Selective Survey’
17. Joseph P. Hughes, William Lang, Loretta J. Mester and
Choon-Geol Moon (1996), ‘Efficient Banking Under Interstate
18. Joseph P. Hughes and Loretta J. Mester (1993), ‘A Quality and
Risk-adjusted Cost Function for Banks: Evidence on the
"Too-big-to-Fail" Doctrine’
19. David B. Humphrey and Lawrence B. Pulley (1997), ‘Banks’
Responses to Deregulation: Profits, Technology, and Efficiency’
20. Jonathan E. Leightner and C.A. Knox Lovell (1998), ‘The Impact
of Financial Liberalization on the Performance of Thai Banks’
21. Karlyn Mitchell and Nur M. Onvural (1996), ‘Economies of Scale
and Scope at Large Commercial Banks: Evidence from the Fourier
Flexible Functional Form’
22. Joseph A. Newman and Ronald E. Shrieves (1993), ‘The Multibank
Holding Company Effect on Cost Efficiency in Banking’
23. José Manuel Pastor, Francisco Pérez and Javier Quesada (1997),
‘Efficiency Analysis in Banking Firms: An International
24. Stavros Peristiani (1997), ‘Do Mergers Improve the X-efficiency
and Scale Efficiency of U.S. Banks? Evidence from the 1980s’
25. Andrea Resti (1998), ‘Regulation Can Foster Mergers, Can
Mergers Foster Efficiency? The Italian Case’
26. Osman Zaim (1995), ‘The Effect of Financial Liberalization on
the Efficiency of Turkish Commercial Banks’
Name Index
Edited by Maximilian J.B. Hall, Reader in Banking and Financial Regulation, Loughborough University, UK
'As the custodians of the UK's new single financial services
regulator we at the FSA are keen to learn from the academic world.
Indeed, we would like to encourage more academic research on the
subject of financial regulation. So we welcome the increasing
breadth and depth of work in this area, as reflected in these
useful and thought provoking volumes.'
*Howard Davies, Financial Services Authority, London, UK*
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