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Reproductive Donation
Practice, Policy and Bioethics
By Martin Richards (Edited by), Guido Pennings (Edited by), John B. Appleby

Hardback, 330 pages
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Paperback : HK$343.00

United Kingdom, 1 September 2012

Reproductive donation is the most contentious area of assisted reproduction. Even within Europe there are wide variations in what is permitted in each country. This multidisciplinary book takes a fresh look at the practices of egg, sperm and embryo donation and surrogacy, bringing together ethical analysis and empirical research. New evidence is offered on aspects of assisted reproduction and the families these create, including non-traditional types. One of the key issues addressed is should children be told of their donor origin? If they do learn the identity of their donor, what kinds of relationships may be forged between families, the donor and other donor sibling families? Should donation involve a gift relationship? Is intra-familial donation too close for comfort? How should we understand the growing trend for 'reproductive tourism'? This lively and informed discussion offers new insights into reproductive donation and the resulting donor families.

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Product Description

Reproductive donation is the most contentious area of assisted reproduction. Even within Europe there are wide variations in what is permitted in each country. This multidisciplinary book takes a fresh look at the practices of egg, sperm and embryo donation and surrogacy, bringing together ethical analysis and empirical research. New evidence is offered on aspects of assisted reproduction and the families these create, including non-traditional types. One of the key issues addressed is should children be told of their donor origin? If they do learn the identity of their donor, what kinds of relationships may be forged between families, the donor and other donor sibling families? Should donation involve a gift relationship? Is intra-familial donation too close for comfort? How should we understand the growing trend for 'reproductive tourism'? This lively and informed discussion offers new insights into reproductive donation and the resulting donor families.

Product Details
22.9 x 15.2 x 2 centimeters (0.65 kg)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction Martin Richards, Guido Pennings and John B. Appleby; 2. The biology of donation Martin Johnson; 3. Ethics for reproductive donation Robert Klitzman; 4. Parenthood: whose right is it anyway? Anja Karnein; 5. Reproductive donation: global perspectives and cultural diversity Zeynep B. Gürtin and Effy Vayena; 6. UK and USA perspectives on the regulation of reproductive donation Theresa Glennon; 7. Gamete and embryo donation: a legal view from Spain Yolanda Garcia-Ruiz and Diana Guerra-Diaz; 8. The legal and ethical regulation of transnational donation Guido Pennings and Zeynep B. Gürtin; 9. Balancing ethical criteria for the recruitment of gamete donors Guido Pennings, Effy Vayena and Kamal Ahuja; 10. Challenges in intra-family donation Effy Vayena and Susan Golombok; 11. ARTs and the single parent Susanna Graham and Andrea Braverman; 12. Reproductive donation and justice for gay and lesbian couples John B. Appleby, Sarah Jennings and Helen Statham; 13. Is disclosure in the best interests of the children conceived by donation? John B. Appleby, Lucy Blake and Tabitha Freeman; 14. Identifiable donors and siblings: implications for the future Tabitha Freeman, John B. Appleby and Vasanti Jadva; 15. Ethical issues in embryo donation Fiona MacCallum and Heather Widdows; 16. Reproduction through surrogacy: the UK and USA experience Andrea Braverman, Polly Casey and Vasanti Jadva; 17. Some conclusions regarding the interaction of normative and descriptive elements in reproductive donation Guido Pennings.

Promotional Information

This book combines empirical research with commentary on ethics, policy and legislation, raising provocative questions about reproductive donation and surrogacy.

About the Author

Martin Richards is Emeritus Professor of Family Research in the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research, which he founded and directed until 2005. His research concerns the psychosocial aspects of new reproductive and genetic technologies and the social and ethical issues that deployment of new technologies may raise. He publishes widely in academic journals. His books include: The Troubled Helix: Social and Psychological Implications of the New Human Genetics, edited with Theresa Marteau (1996); The Limits of Consent: A Socio-Ethical Approach, edited with John McMillan et al. (2009); Regulating Autonomy: Sex, Reproduction and Families, edited with Shelley Day-Slater et al. (2009) and Birthrights or Rites, edited with Fatemeh Ebtehaj et al. (2011). Guido Pennings is Professor of Ethics and Bioethics at Ghent University where he is also the Director of the Bioethics Institute, Ghent. He mainly publishes on ethical problems associated with medically assisted reproduction and genetics including sex selection, gamete donation, stem cell research, fertility preservation and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. In addition, he is Affiliate Lecturer in the Faculty of Politics, Psychology, Sociology and International Studies at Cambridge University and Guest Professor on 'Ethics in Reproductive Medicine' at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Free University, Brussels. John Appleby is currently a Wellcome Trust PhD student in bioethics at the Centre for Family Research and a member of Corpus Christi College at the University of Cambridge.


'… provide[s] a rich analysis of one of the most controversial aspects of assisted reproduction: reproductive donation. … this volume provides a rich and comprehensive collection of views on one of the most controversial areas of reproductive technologies, and offers new insights into reproductive donation.' Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy

'… the volume provides a rich and comprehensive collection of views on one of the most controversial areas of reproductive technologies, and offers new insights into reproductive donation.' Medicine, Healthcare and Philosophy

'… a fantastic policy textbook that will hopefully make its way to the shelves of campaigners and decision makers alike. It is also great reading for anyone interested in evidence-based approaches to donor conception, and a helpful aid for those considering involvement in reproductive donation as parent, donor or surrogate. Too much information out there is supplied by people with well-hidden agendas, and a book like this can be a powerful tool for negotiating the complex dilemmas parents and donors can face.' Ëlo Luik, BioNews

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