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Routledge Library Editions: ­Political Science Mini-Set ­E
Radical Politics/The Socialist Tradition: 14-Volume Set

Hardback, 6820 pages
United Kingdom, 5 October 2009

Mini-set E: Radical Politics/The Socialist Tradition re-issues works by H B Acton, George Brenkert, Tom Campbell, Antony Cutler, Barry Hindess, Paul Hirst, Athar Hussain, Amlan Datta, J Jupp, Dennis Kavanagh, Norman MacKenzie, Patricia Pugh and Paul Thomas among others which discuss the history of socialism and the marxist and anarchist traditions.

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Product Description

Mini-set E: Radical Politics/The Socialist Tradition re-issues works by H B Acton, George Brenkert, Tom Campbell, Antony Cutler, Barry Hindess, Paul Hirst, Athar Hussain, Amlan Datta, J Jupp, Dennis Kavanagh, Norman MacKenzie, Patricia Pugh and Paul Thomas among others which discuss the history of socialism and the marxist and anarchist traditions.

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14 Volumes
23.4 x 15.6 centimeters (0.45 kg)

Table of Contents

The titles to be included are Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill A History of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century Race and Politics Locke's Two Treatises of Government Greek Political Theory The Nonconformist Conscience Political Judgement Social Principles and the Democratic StateSocialism National or International The Language of Politics Political Discipline in a Free Society An Introduction to the Republic of Plato Marx's Ethics of Freedom The Left and Rights A Short History of Electoral Systems in Western Europe Authority and Democracy Direct Action and Liberal Democracy The Political Theory of Anarchism Marx's Capital and Capitalism Today Socialism, Democracy and Industrialization Bureacracy and Democracy The Greek State Political Repression in 19th Century Europe Law, Socialism and Democracy Aspects ofToleration The Politics of John F Kennedy Political Parties The Politics of the Labour Party Capital and Politics Redefining Politics Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France Political and Social Philosophy Socialism On Trotskyism Marx's Capital The Popular and the Political Educate Agitate Organize Political Representation and Elections in Britain The English Face of Machiavelli Anglo-American Democracy The Political Sciences Studies in the Growth of Nineteenth Century Government A History of Greek Political Thought Karl Marx and the Anarchsists The Growth of Papal Government in the Middle Ages Medieval Papalism Labour in American Politics Sovereignty Government and the Governed Political Science The Labour Theory of Culture

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