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Sams Teach Yourself XML in­ 24 Hours, Complete Starter­ Kit

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Mixed media product, 576 pages
United States, 1 November 2005

The third edition of Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is everything you need to know about the XML language and how to use it in practical, innovative applications. Understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply it is the larger part of the learning process, and is the primary focus of this book. It covers a broad range of topics, and wil show you how to use XML to mine data on the web, how to use it to interact with existing data services such as iTunes and Google, and how to use it in applications such as e-books, online speech synthesis, and multimedia. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition will teach you what you need to know to get up and running with XML and more importantly, how to do cool things with it!

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Product Description

The third edition of Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is everything you need to know about the XML language and how to use it in practical, innovative applications. Understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply it is the larger part of the learning process, and is the primary focus of this book. It covers a broad range of topics, and wil show you how to use XML to mine data on the web, how to use it to interact with existing data services such as iTunes and Google, and how to use it in applications such as e-books, online speech synthesis, and multimedia. Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition will teach you what you need to know to get up and running with XML and more importantly, how to do cool things with it!

Product Details
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Illustrated; Includes Cdrom
17.8 x 3.3 x 22.9 centimeters (0.91 kg)

Table of Contents


    How This Book Is Structured.

    What You’ll Need.

    How to Use This Book.


HOUR 1: Getting to Know XML.

    The What and Why of XML.

    XML and Web Browsers.

    Real-World XML.

HOUR 2: Creating XML Documents.

    A Quick XML Primer.

    Selecting an XML Editor.

    Constructing Your First XML Document.

    Viewing Your XML Document.


HOUR 3: Defining Data with DTD Schemas.

    Creating Your Own Markup Languages.

    Schemas and XML Data Modeling.

    Comparing Schema Technologies.

    The Importance of Document Validation.

    DTD Construction Basics.

    Digging Deeper into Elements.

    Putting Attributes to Work.

    A Complete DTD Example.

HOUR 4: Digging Deeper into XML Documents.

    Leaving a Trail with Comments.

    Characters of Text in XML.

    The Wonderful World of Entities.

    The Significance of Notations.

    Working with CDATA.

    Using XML to Create an Online Radio.

HOUR 5: Putting Namespaces to Use.

    Understanding Namespaces.

    Naming Namespaces.

    Declaring and Using Namespaces.

HOUR 6: Using SVG to Draw Scalable Graphics.

    What Is SVG?

    SVG and Related Technologies.

    Inside the SVG Language.

    Creating an SVG Drawing.

    Embedding an SVG Drawing in a Web Page.

HOUR 7: Using XML Schema.

    XML Schema Construction Basics.

    Working with Simple Types.

    Digging into Complex Types.

    Namespaces and XSD Schemas.

    A Complete XML Schema Example.

    RELAX NG and the Future of XML Schema.

HOUR 8: Validating XML Documents.

    Document Validation Revisited.

    Validation Tools.

    Repairing Invalid Documents.


HOUR 9: XML Formatting Strategies.

    Style Sheets and XML Formatting.

    Leveraging CSS, XSLT, and XSL-FO.

    Style Sheets in Action.

HOUR 10: Styling XML Content with CSS.

    Getting to Know CSS.

    Wiring a Style Sheet to an XML Document.

    Your First CSS Style Sheet.

    Inside CSS Positioning.

    The Ins and Outs of Text Formatting.

    Your Second Complete Style Sheet.

HOUR 11: Getting Started with XSL.

    XSL Basics.

    The Pieces and Parts of XSL.

    An XSLT Primer.

    Wiring an XSL Style Sheet to an XML Document.

    Your First XSLT Style Sheet.

HOUR 12: Transforming XML with XSLT.

    A Closer Look at XSLT.

    Pattern Essentials.

    Putting Expressions to Work.

    A Complete XSLT Example.

    Yet Another XSLT Example.

HOUR 13: Access Your iTunes Music Library via XML.

    The Role of XML in iTunes.

    Digging Into the iTunes Library File.

    Linking to Tracks in the iTunes Store.

    Building an iTunes Web Viewer.

HOUR 14: Formatting XML with XSL-FO.

    What Is XSL-FO?

    Working with the XSL-FO Language.

    Validating an XSL-FO Document.

    Converting an XSL-FO Document to PDF.

    A More Complete XSL-FO Example.

HOUR 15: Using XML to Hack Google Maps.

    Getting to Know Google Maps.

    Google Maps Customization Basics.

    Brainstorming a Custom Mapping Application.

    Developing a Custom Map Document.

    Hacking Together a Custom Google Map.


HOUR 16: Parsing XML with the DOM.

    What Is the DOM?

    How the DOM Works.

    DOM Interfaces.

    Binding XML Data to a Web Page.

    Using the DOM to Access XML Data.

    A Complete DOM Example.

    Updating the DOM Tree.

HOUR 17: SAX: The Simple API for XML.

    What Is SAX?

    Writing Programs That Use SAX Parsers.

    Obtaining a SAX Parser.

    Using SAX with Java.

    Inside the SAX Sample Program.

HOUR 18: Querying XML Data with XQuery.

    What Is XQuery?

    XML Data Querying 101.

    Processing XQuery Results.

    Getting to Know Saxon.

    Practical XML Querying with XQuery and Saxon.

HOUR 19: Using XML with Databases.

    A Quick Relational Database Primer.

    The World’s Shortest Guide to SQL.

    Databases and XML.

    Exporting an XML Document from a Database.

    Accessing Data from a Database as XML.

HOUR 20: Using XML to Assist Search Engines.

    Web Crawling Basics.

    Getting to Know Google Sitemaps.

    Inside the Google Sitemap Protocol.

    Creating Your Own Sitemap.

    Validating Your Sitemap.

    Submitting Your Sitemap to Google.

    Using an Automated Sitemap Tool.


HOUR 21: Adding Structure to the Web with XHTML.

    XHTML: A Logical Merger.

    Comparing XHTML and HTML.

    Creating and Validating XHTML Documents.

    Migrating HTML to XHTML.

HOUR 22: Addressing and Linking XML Documents.

    Understanding XPath.

    Navigating a Document with XPath Patterns.

    Using XPath Functions.

    The Role of XPath.

    HTML, XML, and Linking.

    Addressing with XPointer.

    Linking with XLink.

    A Complete XLink Example.

HOUR 23: Going Wireless with WML and XHTML Mobile.

    XML and the Wireless Web.

    WML Essentials.

    Creating WML Documents.

    Blending WML with XHTML Mobile.

HOUR 24: Syndicating the Web with RSS News Feeds.

    A Brief History of RSS.

    Using an RSS News Aggregator.

    Inside the RSS 2.0 Language.

    Creating and Validating a News Feed.

    Displaying a News Feed.


APPENDIX A: XML Resources.

General XML Resources.

XML Tools.

XML-Based Languages.

XML Specifications.



Promotional Information

Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit, Third Edition, provides a comprehensive introduction to the XML language. Unlike programming languages, understanding the syntax of XML is only a small part of the learning process; understanding how to apply XML is the larger part of the learning process. This book focuses on the big picture of XML while digging into specific examples of how to use it in real world applications. XML has been around for nearly fifteen years in the form of its predecessor, SGML. Now that Web developers have fully realized the limitations of HTML, which is itself a cousin of XML; they are looking for other options for representing and accessing data on a large scale. XML provides the data abstraction missing in HTML, and has become a general standard for data representation and manipulation, even beyond the immediate application to the Web. The main selling point of this book is the broad range of topics it covers in regard to the hands-on usage of XML. This book not only digs into the details of the eXtensible Markup Language, but also examines compelling applications that are based upon XML.

About the Author

Michael Morrison is a writer and developer with extensive experience with XML. He has authored numerous computer and Web technology books, including several XML books such as Sams Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 24 Hours, 6th Edition, Faster Smarter HTML and XML, Sams Teach Yourself XML in 24 Hours, 2nd Edition, and XML Unleashed. Michael has personally developed several content-driven Web sites using XML technologies, including his personal Web site at http://www.michaelmorrison.com.

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