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The Science and Art of Renaissance Music


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Table of Contents

PrefaceEditor's PrefaceBibliographical AbbreviationsCh. 1A Sixteenth-Century Attempt at Music Criticism3Ch. 2The Courtier as Musician: Castiglione's View of the Science and Art of Music20Ch. 3Cosimo Bartoli on Music38Ch. 4The Frontispiece of Gafori's Practica Musicae (1496)79Ch. 5False Relations and Chromaticism in Sixteenth-Century Music93Ch. 6Zarlino's Definition of Fugue and Imitation121Ch. 7Lessons in Theory from a Sixteenth-Century Composer149Ch. 8Josquin as Interpreted by a Mid-Sixteenth-Century German Musician176Ch. 9The Note Nere Madrigal201Ch. 10The "Madrigale Arioso": A Mid-Century Development in the Cinquecento Madrigal222Ch. 11Giovanthomaso Cimello as Madrigalist239Ch. 12Notes on the Dialogo della Musica of Antonfrancesco Doni271Ch. 13A Gift of Madrigals to Cosimo I: The Ms. Florence, Bibl. Naz. Centrale, Magl. XIX, 130300Ch. 14The Libraria of Antonfrancesco Doni323Ch. 15Berlioz and the "First Opera"353Ch. 16Music of the Renaissance as Viewed by the Romantics366Index of Names383


An Outstanding Book by the Gustavus Meyers Center for the Study of Human Rights in North America for 1998

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