Preface to First Edition viii
Preface to Second Edition xii
1 Introduction to tectonic geomorphology 1
2 Geomorphic markers 17
3 Establishing timing in the landscape: dating methods 45
4 Stress, faults, and folds 71
5 Short-term deformation: geodesy 117
6 Paleoseismology: ruptures and slip rates 147
7 Rates of erosion and uplift 195
8 Holocene deformation and landscape responses 243
9 Deformation and geomorphology at intermediate time scales 274
10 Tectonic geomorphology at late Cenozoic time scales 316
11 Numerical modeling of landscape evolution 370
References 412
Index 444
Douglas Burbank is a tectonic geomorphologist whoinvestigates the growth of mountains and evolution of landscapesprimarily in collisional mountain belts, ranging from NewZealand s Southern Alps to the Tien Shan and the Andes. He has focused on interactions among mountain building, erosion,climate, and deposition at time scales ranging from decades tomillions of years. Robert Anderson is a geomorphologist who has studied theprocesses responsible for shaping many landscapes. Theseinclude several tectonically active mountain ranges, from theHimalayas to Alaska. He has been involved deeply in thedevelopment of methods to extract timing from landscapes, focusingon the use of cosmogenic radionuclides, and consistently employsnumerical models in his work.
In summary, Tectonic Geomorphology is a nicely written,finely illustrated, rich and, above all, thought provokingtextbook. I believe it will be extremely useful not only forgraduate students, but also for those more mature scientists wholeft school before the onset of what I consider the most excitingadvancement in the Earth Sciences after PlateTectonics. (J Seismol, 1 March 2013) This is an excellent second edition of TectonicGeomorphology and is highly recommended to geologists andgeomorphologists with an interest in neotectonics and landscapeevolution. (Geological Journal, 29 January2014) In summary, Tectonic Geomorphology is a well-thought-outand well-executed text that well serves teaching of the subject atgraduate and upper levels, and it provides a valuable reference forpracticing geologists. (Environmental &Engineering Geoscience, 2 May 2013) This is definitely a book worth taking a look at by anymember; and one worth trying hard to come to terms with if aspectsof this important subject really interest you. (Open University Geological Society Journal, 1 November2012) Notwithstanding this, I strongly recommend to have Tectonic Geomorphology on one s bookshelf. Itwill be of particular value to the young generation of geoscientists, wondering which research direction to go. Theywill get first-class food-for-thought. (Geologos,2012)
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