Paperback : HK$297.00
In one of his final works, Stephen Jay Gould spoke of the human race "as a wildly improbable evolutionary event well within the realm of contingency." Drawing on his personal knowledge of fifty figures from the world of twentieth-century social science, Irving Louis Horowitz offers commentaries drawn from a variety of public occasions to explain one segment of this improbable event. In the process he reveals how the past century was defined in substantial measure by the rise of social research. Commenting on "Tributes, Daniel Mahoney observes, "some pieces are completely authoritative and detailed, others more conversational and informal. That diversity of approaches tied to the special character of these people increases the readability and interest in the book as a whole. In addition to illuminating the life and thought of these major figures, these essays and addresses reveal the impressive catholicity of Horowitz's concerns and his ability to remain open to the widest range of theoretical and practical approaches." In a certain sense, this book is also an intellectual autobiography in the form of an expression of Horowitz's debt to intellectual interlocutors and influences over the years. As a consequence, "Tributes will be of the greatest interest to anyone who wishes to come to terms with the intellectual formation of the people who gave substance to new ways of experiencing as well as explaining society. The book is thus a thoughtful guide to the intellectual life of our times. From Arendt and Aron to Veblen and Wildavsky, these essays take shape as a systematic mosaic of the past century. Written by a central participant in social theory, "Tributes is both an informal guide anda formal text for readers coming upon social science innovators for the first time. The book breaks the boundaries of conventional discourse and in so doing gives voice to the outstanding figures that helped make the twentieth century "the century of social research."
Show moreIn one of his final works, Stephen Jay Gould spoke of the human race "as a wildly improbable evolutionary event well within the realm of contingency." Drawing on his personal knowledge of fifty figures from the world of twentieth-century social science, Irving Louis Horowitz offers commentaries drawn from a variety of public occasions to explain one segment of this improbable event. In the process he reveals how the past century was defined in substantial measure by the rise of social research. Commenting on "Tributes, Daniel Mahoney observes, "some pieces are completely authoritative and detailed, others more conversational and informal. That diversity of approaches tied to the special character of these people increases the readability and interest in the book as a whole. In addition to illuminating the life and thought of these major figures, these essays and addresses reveal the impressive catholicity of Horowitz's concerns and his ability to remain open to the widest range of theoretical and practical approaches." In a certain sense, this book is also an intellectual autobiography in the form of an expression of Horowitz's debt to intellectual interlocutors and influences over the years. As a consequence, "Tributes will be of the greatest interest to anyone who wishes to come to terms with the intellectual formation of the people who gave substance to new ways of experiencing as well as explaining society. The book is thus a thoughtful guide to the intellectual life of our times. From Arendt and Aron to Veblen and Wildavsky, these essays take shape as a systematic mosaic of the past century. Written by a central participant in social theory, "Tributes is both an informal guide anda formal text for readers coming upon social science innovators for the first time. The book breaks the boundaries of conventional discourse and in so doing gives voice to the outstanding figures that helped make the twentieth century "the century of social research."
Show morePreface: A Tribute to Vocation Introduction 1 Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) Juridical Critic of Totalitarianism 2 Raymond Aron (1905-1983) Tribune of the European Intelligentsia 3 Digby Baltzell (1916-1996) Private Paradoxes and Public Losses 4 Ernest Becker (1924-1974) An Appreciation of a Life 5 Herbert Blumer (1900-1987) The Pragmatic Imagination 6 Claude Brown (1937-2002) Going to the Promised Land 7 Morris Raphael Cohen (1880-1947) End of the Classical Liberal Tradition 8 James S. Coleman (1926-1995) Chance, Choice, and Civility 9 W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) Revisiting the Legacy of Atlanta Sociology 10 Daniel J. Elazar (1934-1999) The Covenant Tradition in Politics 11 Hans J. Eysenck (1916-1997) The Liberality of a Social Psychologist 12 Lewis S. Feuer (1912-2002) The Unitary Character of Extremist Ideologies 13 Ronald Fletcher (1921-1992) Defending Scientific Psychology 14 Gino Germani (1911-1979) Sociologist from the Other America 15 Eli Ginzberg (1911-2002) The Economist as a Public Intellectual 16 César Graña (1919-1986) The Culture of Sociology and Sociology of Culture 17 Scott Greer (1922-1996) The Dialectic of the Unique and the Universal 18 Mason W. Gross (1911-1977) Philosophy, Science and the Higher Learning 19 George Caspar Homans (1910-1989) Bringing the Individual Back into a Collective Discipline 20 Laud Humphreys (1932-1988) A Pioneer in the Practice of Fugitive Social Science 21 Jeremiah Kaplan (1926-1993) The Publisher as Social Vanguard 22 Russell Kirk (1918-1994) Revolutionary of the Past 23 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (1926- ) Legitimacy, Force and Morality 24 Milton Konvitz (1908- ) The Moral Bases of Legal Theory 25 Walter Laqueur (1921- ) Tribune of Political Theory 26 Melvin J. Lasky (1920- ) An American Voice of the European Conscience 27 Harold Lasswell (1902-1978) Garrison States and Good Societies 28 Peter Lengyel (1927-1996) The Anti-Bureaucratic Bureaucrat 29 Max Lerner (1902-1992) Journalist as Political Educator 30 Marion J. Levy, Jr. (1918-2002) Modernizing International Relations 31 Seymour Martin Lipset (1941- ) The Social Uses of Anomaly 32 Robert S. Lynd (1892-1970) and Helen Merrell Lynd (1894-1981) The Sociological Couple Par Excellence 33 Joseph B. Maier (1911-2003) Tradition, Modernity and the Last Hurrah of the “Frankfurt School” 34 John D. Martz (1934-1998) North American Latin Americanist 35 Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) Passionate Professional 36 C. Wright Mills (1916-1962) Sociologist of American Stratification 37 Daniel Patrick Moynihan (1927-2003) The Last Hurrah of Liberal Sociology 38 Robert A. Nisbet (1913-1996) The Radical Conservative 39 David Riesman (1909-2002) Educating the Middle Class 40 Arnold M. Rose (1918-1968) The Power Structure vs. the Power Elite 41 R.J. Rummel (1932- ) Death by Government 42 Peter Shaw (1936-1995) The Political Vision of a Literary Scholar 43 Kalman H. Silvert (1921-1976) Democracy as Human Rights 44 John Stanley (1937-1998) Historian of Political Ideas 45 Anselm Strauss (1916-1996) Democratizing Social Psychology 46 Thomas Szasz (1920- ) The Politics of Psychiatry and the Ethics of a Psychiatrist 47 Jacob L. Talmon (1916-1980) The Social Vision of Intellectual History 48 Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929) Elitist as Populist 49 Aaron Wildavsky (1930-1993) Facts, Policies, Morals 50 Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) and Karl Popper (1902-1994) Poker Players 51 Kurt H. Wolff (1912- ) His Phenomenal World
Irving Horowitz
-Horowitz engages us in a conversation with social thinkers who
influenced his perspective. This is a book of great power; it
evoked memories of distant days and tears for those I miss. These
creative talents may not be household names, but each in his
idiosyncratic way was a creative force forging what we might
loosely call the social theory of the twentieth century.- --The New
Criterion, 2004 -This is an unusual book. One wishes it would go on
and on. Yet one can also delve into it at any point of the
illustrious alphabet (Raymond Aron, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ludwig
Wittgenstein) and get stuck in reflection, approval and sometimes,
disagreement. More than fifty biographical cameos of social
scientists seen through the eyes of a sympathetic critic and
colleague form a mosaic of social understanding.- --The Lord [Ralf]
Dahrendork, KBE, FBA -I have been delving deep into Tributes and I
interrupt my reading to say how original I think is its conception
and excellent its execution. The well-rounded sketches make up an
education in the history of ideas about man and society. If I were
a student in the social sciences, I would use Horowitz's book as a
crib.- --Jacques Barzun, author of From Dawn to Decandence: 1500 to
the Present. -Some pieces of Tributes are completely authoritative
and detailed, others more conversational and informal. That
diversity of approaches tied to the special character of these
people increases the readability and interest in the book as a
whole. In addition to illuminating the life and thought of these
major figures, these essays reveal the impressive catholicity of
Horowitz's concerns and his ability to remain open to the widest
range of theoretical and practical approaches.- --Daniel J.
Mahoney, author of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology
-What readers of Tributes will enjoy the most, I believe, are the
insights of Horowitz's encounters with both the limits and
mortality of all concerned. This is a book of the ideational lives
neither of saints nor of sinners, but of those whose life's work
have mattered to the author because they matter most of all to his
vision of social sciences. It is a family album, and it is fitting
that the man touched by all of them should show them off now with
pride and affection.- --Jonathan B. Imber, editor-in-chief of
Society. -The dialogues with which Horowitz engages the authors [in
Tributes] can only provide some useful or confirming insights for
those concerned with policy in its various settings and impacts.-
--Richard Abel, Knowledge Technology and Policy
"Horowitz engages us in a conversation with social thinkers who
influenced his perspective. This is a book of great power; it
evoked memories of distant days and tears for those I miss. These
creative talents may not be household names, but each in his
idiosyncratic way was a creative force forging what we might
loosely call the social theory of the twentieth century." --The New
Criterion, 2004 "This is an unusual book. One wishes it would go on
and on. Yet one can also delve into it at any point of the
illustrious alphabet (Raymond Aron, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ludwig
Wittgenstein) and get stuck in reflection, approval and sometimes,
disagreement. More than fifty biographical cameos of social
scientists seen through the eyes of a sympathetic critic and
colleague form a mosaic of social understanding." --The Lord [Ralf]
Dahrendork, KBE, FBA "I have been delving deep into Tributes and I
interrupt my reading to say how original I think is its conception
and excellent its execution. The well-rounded sketches make up an
education in the history of ideas about man and society. If I were
a student in the social sciences, I would use Horowitz's book as a
crib." --Jacques Barzun, author of From Dawn to Decandence: 1500 to
the Present. "Some pieces of Tributes are completely authoritative
and detailed, others more conversational and informal. That
diversity of approaches tied to the special character of these
people increases the readability and interest in the book as a
whole. In addition to illuminating the life and thought of these
major figures, these essays reveal the impressive catholicity of
Horowitz's concerns and his ability to remain open to the widest
range of theoretical and practical approaches." --Daniel J.
Mahoney, author of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology
"What readers of Tributes will enjoy the most, I believe, are the
insights of Horowitz's encounters with both the limits and
mortality of all concerned. This is a book of the ideational lives
neither of saints nor of sinners, but of those whose life's work
have mattered to the author because they matter most of all to his
vision of social sciences. It is a family album, and it is fitting
that the man touched by all of them should show them off now with
pride and affection." --Jonathan B. Imber, editor-in-chief of
Society. "The dialogues with which Horowitz engages the authors [in
Tributes] can only provide some useful or confirming insights for
those concerned with policy in its various settings and impacts."
--Richard Abel, Knowledge Technology and Policy
"Horowitz engages us in a conversation with social thinkers who
influenced his perspective. This is a book of great power; it
evoked memories of distant days and tears for those I miss. These
creative talents may not be household names, but each in his
idiosyncratic way was a creative force forging what we might
loosely call the social theory of the twentieth century." --The New
Criterion, 2004 "This is an unusual book. One wishes it would go on
and on. Yet one can also delve into it at any point of the
illustrious alphabet (Raymond Aron, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ludwig
Wittgenstein) and get stuck in reflection, approval and sometimes,
disagreement. More than fifty biographical cameos of social
scientists seen through the eyes of a sympathetic critic and
colleague form a mosaic of social understanding." --The Lord [Ralf]
Dahrendork, KBE, FBA "I have been delving deep into Tributes and I
interrupt my reading to say how original I think is its conception
and excellent its execution. The well-rounded sketches make up an
education in the history of ideas about man and society. If I were
a student in the social sciences, I would use Horowitz's book as a
crib." --Jacques Barzun, author of From Dawn to Decandence: 1500 to
the Present. "Some pieces of Tributes are completely authoritative
and detailed, others more conversational and informal. That
diversity of approaches tied to the special character of these
people increases the readability and interest in the book as a
whole. In addition to illuminating the life and thought of these
major figures, these essays reveal the impressive catholicity of
Horowitz's concerns and his ability to remain open to the widest
range of theoretical and practical approaches." --Daniel J.
Mahoney, author of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology
"What readers of Tributes will enjoy the most, I believe, are the
insights of Horowitz's encounters with both the limits and
mortality of all concerned. This is a book of the ideational lives
neither of saints nor of sinners, but of those whose life's work
have mattered to the author because they matter most of all to his
vision of social sciences. It is a family album, and it is fitting
that the man touched by all of them should show them off now with
pride and affection." --Jonathan B. Imber, editor-in-chief of
Society. "The dialogues with which Horowitz engages the authors [in
Tributes] can only provide some useful or confirming insights for
those concerned with policy in its various settings and impacts."
--Richard Abel, Knowledge Technology and Policy
"Horowitz engages us in a conversation with social thinkers who
influenced his perspective. This is a book of great power; it
evoked memories of distant days and tears for those I miss. These
creative talents may not be household names, but each in his
idiosyncratic way was a creative force forging what we might
loosely call the social theory of the twentieth century." --"The
New Criterion,2004"
"This is an unusual book. One wishes it would go on and on. Yet one
can also delve into it at any point of the illustrious alphabet
(Raymond Aron, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ludwig Wittgenstein) and
get stuck in reflection, approval and sometimes, disagreement. More
than fifty biographical cameos of social scientists seen through
the eyes of a sympathetic critic and colleague form a mosaic of
social understanding."--The Lord [Ralf] Dahrendork, KBE, FBA
"I have been delving deep into Tributes and I interrupt my reading
to say how original I think is its conception and excellent its
execution. The well-rounded sketches make up an education in the
history of ideas about man and society. If I were a student in the
social sciences, I would use Horowitz's book as a crib." --Jacques
Barzun, author of "From Dawn to Decandence: 1500 to the
"Some pieces of Tributes are completely authoritative and detailed,
others more conversational and informal. That diversity of
approaches tied to the special character of these people increases
the readability and interest in the book as a whole. In addition to
illuminating the life and thought of these major figures, these
essays reveal the impressive catholicity of Horowitz's concerns and
his ability to remain open to the widest range of theoretical and
practical approaches."--Daniel J. Mahoney, author of "Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn: The Ascent from Ideology"
"What readers of Tributes will enjoy the most, I believe, are the
insights of Horowitz's encounters with both the limits and
mortality of all concerned. This is a book of the ideational lives
neither of saints nor of sinners, but of those whose life's work
have mattered to the author because they matter most of all to his
vision of social sciences. It is a family album, and it is fitting
that the man touched by all of them should show them off now with
pride and affection."--Jonathan B. Imber, editor-in-chief of
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