Paperback : HK$1,473.00
lysts using enzyme, microbial, and plantbiochemistriesand genetic engi neeringand "ProcessingResearch" describedtheconversionofplantcom ponentsviaintegrationofmicrobiology,biochemistry,andchemistrywith engineering, separations, and hybrid systems. The "Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production" session focused on the manufacture and use of enzymes. The"IndustrialChemicals"sessionemphasizedrecentdevelop mentsintheintegratedproductionandscale-upofchemicalsfrombiologi cal rather than petrochemical routes. Special interest was on separation methods and their integrationintonew fermentation orhybrid processes. 35 oral presentations, a roundtable The technical program consisted of forum, two special topic discussions, and a poster session of 135 posters. Wecontinuedasuccessfulinformalroundtableserieswith"Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Forum on Recent Government Initiatives," which dis cussedthePresident'sExecutiveOrder, the BioenergyInitiative, the Tech nology Roadmap for Renewables Vision 2020, and other thrusts. These eventscontinuethe strongindustrial focus and activeindustrialparticipa tionintheorganizingcommittee. Thishasbecomeverypopularbecauseit allows industrialand government participants to speakmore openly. AspecialTopicsDiscussionGroupwasheldon"C0 Sequestration," 2 ledby James W. Lee. Another onwas held on "Commercializationof Bio mass-to-Ethanol" where chairs Jack N. Saddler and David J. Gregg made thegoal ofthisworkshop to showparticipantsthatweare close to demon stratingthe technicalviability ofanintegratedbiomass-to-ethanolprocess and that progressive technical advances and policy decisions will likely greatly enhance the economic attractiveness of the process.
Session 1-Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- to Session 1.- Twenty Years of Trials, Tribulations, and Research Progress in Bioethanol Technology: Selected Key Events Along the Way.- Genetic Improvement of Poplar Feedstock Quality for Ethanol Production.- Detoxification of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates with Ion-Exchange Resins.- Fourier Transform Infrared Quantitative Analysis of Sugars and Lignin in Pretreated Softwood Solid Residues.- Bleachability and Characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Principal Component Analysis of Acetosolv Pulps Obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse.- Production of Oxychemicals from Precipitated Hardwood Lignin.- Effect of Pretreatment Reagent and Hydrogen Peroxide on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oak in Percolation Process.- Session 2-Applied Biological Research.- to Session 2.- Fingerprinting Trichoderma reesei Hydrolases in a Commercial Cellulase Preparation.- Development of High-Performance and Rapid Immunoassay for Model Food Allergen Lysozyme Using Antibody-Conjugated Bacterial Magnetic Particles and Fully Automated System.- Fermentation Performance Assessment of a Genomically Integrated Xylose-Utilizing Recombinant of Zymomonas mobilis 39676.- Comparative Ethanol Productivities of Different Zymomonas Recombinants Fermenting Oat Hull Hydrolysate.- Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Mutants Defective in Bacterial Magnetic Particle Synthesis by Transposon Mutagenesis.- Synthesis of Bacterial Magnetic Particles During Cell Cycle of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1.- Overexpression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Genetically Modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge.- Utilization of Cyanobacteria in Photobioreactors for Orthophosphate Removal from Water.- Enhancement of the Conversion of Toluene by Pseudomonas putida F-1 Using Organic Cosolvents.- Effect of Temperature on Biofiltration of Nitric Oxide.- Biodegradation of Formaldehyde by a Formaldehyde-Resistant Bacterium Isolated from Seawater.- Dissemination of Catabolic Plasmids Among Desiccation-Tolerant Bacteria in Soil Microcosms.- Session 3-Bioprocessing Research.- to Session 3.- Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Byproducts of Olive Oil Extraction.- Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose from Pretreated Wood Residues.- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ammonia-Treated Sugar Beet Pulp.- Ethanol Production in a Membrane Bioreactor: Pilot-Scale Trials in a Corn Wet Mill.- Cellulase Recovery via Membrane Filtration.- Effect of Yeast Extract on Growth Kinetics of Monascus purpureus.- Severity Function Describing the Hydrolysis of Xylan Using Carbonic Acid.- Cellulose Hydrolysis Under Extremely Low Sulfuric Acid and High-Temperature Conditions (Scientific Note).- A Hybrid Neural Network Algorithm for On-Line State Inference That Accounts for Differences in Inoculum of Cephalosporium acremonium in Fed-Batch Fermehtors.- Kinetics of Ethanol Fermentation with High Biomass Concentration Considering the Effect of Temperature.- Fermentation of Xylose into Acetic Acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum (Scientific Note).- Heat Transfer Considerations in Design of a Batch Tube Reactor for Biomass Hydrolysis.- Measurement of Bubble Size Distribution in Protein Foam Fractionation Column Using Capillary Probe with Photoelectric Sensors.- Effect of a Natural Contaminant on Foam Fractionation of Bromelain.- Application of Factorial Design to Study of Heavy Metals Biosorption by Waste Biomass from Beverage Distillery.- Model Compound Studies: Influence of Aeration and Hemicellulosic Sugars on Xylitol Production by Candida tropicalis.- Nitrification and Denitrification Processes for Biological Treatment of Industrial Effluents.- Removal and Recovery of Copper (II) Ions by Bacterial Biosorption.- Production of Biosurfactant from a New and Promising Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA1.- Cassava Starch Maltodextrinization/Monomerization Through Thermopressurized Aqueous Phosphoric Acid Hydrolysis.- Session 4-Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- to Session 4.- Session 5-Industrial Chemicals.- to Session 5.- The Effect of Pretreatments on Surfactin Production from Potato Process Effluent by Bacillus subtilis.- Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Alternate Feedstocks.- Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate by Bacillus Species Isolated from Municipal Activated Sludge.- Characterization of Bioconversion of Fumarate to Succinate by Alginate Immoblilized Enterococcus faecalis RKY1.- Modeling and Simulation of Cephalosporin C Production in a Fed-Batch Tower-Type Bioreactor.- Influence of Culture Conditions on Lipopeptide Production by Bacillus subtilis.- Mathematical Modeling of Controlled-Release Kinetics of Herbicides in a Dynamic-Water-Bath System.- Do Cellulose Binding Domains Increase Substrate Accessibility?.- Session 6-Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- to Session 6.- Cobalt Activation of Bacillus BR449 Thermostable Nitrile Hydratase Expressed in Escherichia coli.- Effect of Agitation and Aeration on Production of Hexokinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Comparison of Catalytic Properties of Free and Immobilized Cellobiase Novozym 188.- Influence of Operating Conditions and Vessel Size on Oxygen Transfer During Cellulase Production.- Characterization of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Bacillus firmus Strain No. 37.- Physiological Aspects Involved in Production of Xylanolytic Enzymes by Deep-Sea Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi.- Preliminary Kinetic Characterization of Xylose Reductase and Xylitol Dehydrogenase Extracted from Candida guilliermondii FTI20037 Cultivated in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate for Xylitol Production.- Xylanase Production by Aspergillus awamori in Solid-State Fermentation and Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources.- Kinetic and Mass Transfer Parameters of Maltotriose Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Glucoamylase Immobilized on Macroporous Silica and Wrapped in Pectin Gel.- Selection of Stabilizing Additive for Lipase Immobilization on Controlled Pore Silica by Factorial Design.- Screening of Variables in ?-Xylosidase Recovery Using Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide Reversed Micelles.- Activity of Xylose Reductase from Candida mogii Grown in Media Containing Different Concentrations of Rice Straw Hydrolysate.- Kinetic Studies of Lipase from Candida rugosa: A Comparative Study Between Free and Immobilized Enzyme onto Porous Chitosan Beads.- Extraction by Reversed Micelles of the Intracellular Enzyme Xylose Reductase.- Controlled Hydrolysis of Cheese Whey Proteins Using Trypsin and ?-Chymotrypsin.- Solid-State Fermentation of Phytase from Cassava Dregs.- The Effect of Additional Autopolyploidization in a Slow Growing Cellulase Hyperproducer of Trichoderma.- Author Index.
Show morelysts using enzyme, microbial, and plantbiochemistriesand genetic engi neeringand "ProcessingResearch" describedtheconversionofplantcom ponentsviaintegrationofmicrobiology,biochemistry,andchemistrywith engineering, separations, and hybrid systems. The "Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production" session focused on the manufacture and use of enzymes. The"IndustrialChemicals"sessionemphasizedrecentdevelop mentsintheintegratedproductionandscale-upofchemicalsfrombiologi cal rather than petrochemical routes. Special interest was on separation methods and their integrationintonew fermentation orhybrid processes. 35 oral presentations, a roundtable The technical program consisted of forum, two special topic discussions, and a poster session of 135 posters. Wecontinuedasuccessfulinformalroundtableserieswith"Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Forum on Recent Government Initiatives," which dis cussedthePresident'sExecutiveOrder, the BioenergyInitiative, the Tech nology Roadmap for Renewables Vision 2020, and other thrusts. These eventscontinuethe strongindustrial focus and activeindustrialparticipa tionintheorganizingcommittee. Thishasbecomeverypopularbecauseit allows industrialand government participants to speakmore openly. AspecialTopicsDiscussionGroupwasheldon"C0 Sequestration," 2 ledby James W. Lee. Another onwas held on "Commercializationof Bio mass-to-Ethanol" where chairs Jack N. Saddler and David J. Gregg made thegoal ofthisworkshop to showparticipantsthatweare close to demon stratingthe technicalviability ofanintegratedbiomass-to-ethanolprocess and that progressive technical advances and policy decisions will likely greatly enhance the economic attractiveness of the process.
Session 1-Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- to Session 1.- Twenty Years of Trials, Tribulations, and Research Progress in Bioethanol Technology: Selected Key Events Along the Way.- Genetic Improvement of Poplar Feedstock Quality for Ethanol Production.- Detoxification of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates with Ion-Exchange Resins.- Fourier Transform Infrared Quantitative Analysis of Sugars and Lignin in Pretreated Softwood Solid Residues.- Bleachability and Characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Principal Component Analysis of Acetosolv Pulps Obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse.- Production of Oxychemicals from Precipitated Hardwood Lignin.- Effect of Pretreatment Reagent and Hydrogen Peroxide on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oak in Percolation Process.- Session 2-Applied Biological Research.- to Session 2.- Fingerprinting Trichoderma reesei Hydrolases in a Commercial Cellulase Preparation.- Development of High-Performance and Rapid Immunoassay for Model Food Allergen Lysozyme Using Antibody-Conjugated Bacterial Magnetic Particles and Fully Automated System.- Fermentation Performance Assessment of a Genomically Integrated Xylose-Utilizing Recombinant of Zymomonas mobilis 39676.- Comparative Ethanol Productivities of Different Zymomonas Recombinants Fermenting Oat Hull Hydrolysate.- Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Mutants Defective in Bacterial Magnetic Particle Synthesis by Transposon Mutagenesis.- Synthesis of Bacterial Magnetic Particles During Cell Cycle of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1.- Overexpression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Genetically Modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge.- Utilization of Cyanobacteria in Photobioreactors for Orthophosphate Removal from Water.- Enhancement of the Conversion of Toluene by Pseudomonas putida F-1 Using Organic Cosolvents.- Effect of Temperature on Biofiltration of Nitric Oxide.- Biodegradation of Formaldehyde by a Formaldehyde-Resistant Bacterium Isolated from Seawater.- Dissemination of Catabolic Plasmids Among Desiccation-Tolerant Bacteria in Soil Microcosms.- Session 3-Bioprocessing Research.- to Session 3.- Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Byproducts of Olive Oil Extraction.- Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose from Pretreated Wood Residues.- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ammonia-Treated Sugar Beet Pulp.- Ethanol Production in a Membrane Bioreactor: Pilot-Scale Trials in a Corn Wet Mill.- Cellulase Recovery via Membrane Filtration.- Effect of Yeast Extract on Growth Kinetics of Monascus purpureus.- Severity Function Describing the Hydrolysis of Xylan Using Carbonic Acid.- Cellulose Hydrolysis Under Extremely Low Sulfuric Acid and High-Temperature Conditions (Scientific Note).- A Hybrid Neural Network Algorithm for On-Line State Inference That Accounts for Differences in Inoculum of Cephalosporium acremonium in Fed-Batch Fermehtors.- Kinetics of Ethanol Fermentation with High Biomass Concentration Considering the Effect of Temperature.- Fermentation of Xylose into Acetic Acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum (Scientific Note).- Heat Transfer Considerations in Design of a Batch Tube Reactor for Biomass Hydrolysis.- Measurement of Bubble Size Distribution in Protein Foam Fractionation Column Using Capillary Probe with Photoelectric Sensors.- Effect of a Natural Contaminant on Foam Fractionation of Bromelain.- Application of Factorial Design to Study of Heavy Metals Biosorption by Waste Biomass from Beverage Distillery.- Model Compound Studies: Influence of Aeration and Hemicellulosic Sugars on Xylitol Production by Candida tropicalis.- Nitrification and Denitrification Processes for Biological Treatment of Industrial Effluents.- Removal and Recovery of Copper (II) Ions by Bacterial Biosorption.- Production of Biosurfactant from a New and Promising Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA1.- Cassava Starch Maltodextrinization/Monomerization Through Thermopressurized Aqueous Phosphoric Acid Hydrolysis.- Session 4-Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- to Session 4.- Session 5-Industrial Chemicals.- to Session 5.- The Effect of Pretreatments on Surfactin Production from Potato Process Effluent by Bacillus subtilis.- Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Alternate Feedstocks.- Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate by Bacillus Species Isolated from Municipal Activated Sludge.- Characterization of Bioconversion of Fumarate to Succinate by Alginate Immoblilized Enterococcus faecalis RKY1.- Modeling and Simulation of Cephalosporin C Production in a Fed-Batch Tower-Type Bioreactor.- Influence of Culture Conditions on Lipopeptide Production by Bacillus subtilis.- Mathematical Modeling of Controlled-Release Kinetics of Herbicides in a Dynamic-Water-Bath System.- Do Cellulose Binding Domains Increase Substrate Accessibility?.- Session 6-Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- to Session 6.- Cobalt Activation of Bacillus BR449 Thermostable Nitrile Hydratase Expressed in Escherichia coli.- Effect of Agitation and Aeration on Production of Hexokinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Comparison of Catalytic Properties of Free and Immobilized Cellobiase Novozym 188.- Influence of Operating Conditions and Vessel Size on Oxygen Transfer During Cellulase Production.- Characterization of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Bacillus firmus Strain No. 37.- Physiological Aspects Involved in Production of Xylanolytic Enzymes by Deep-Sea Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi.- Preliminary Kinetic Characterization of Xylose Reductase and Xylitol Dehydrogenase Extracted from Candida guilliermondii FTI20037 Cultivated in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate for Xylitol Production.- Xylanase Production by Aspergillus awamori in Solid-State Fermentation and Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources.- Kinetic and Mass Transfer Parameters of Maltotriose Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Glucoamylase Immobilized on Macroporous Silica and Wrapped in Pectin Gel.- Selection of Stabilizing Additive for Lipase Immobilization on Controlled Pore Silica by Factorial Design.- Screening of Variables in ?-Xylosidase Recovery Using Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide Reversed Micelles.- Activity of Xylose Reductase from Candida mogii Grown in Media Containing Different Concentrations of Rice Straw Hydrolysate.- Kinetic Studies of Lipase from Candida rugosa: A Comparative Study Between Free and Immobilized Enzyme onto Porous Chitosan Beads.- Extraction by Reversed Micelles of the Intracellular Enzyme Xylose Reductase.- Controlled Hydrolysis of Cheese Whey Proteins Using Trypsin and ?-Chymotrypsin.- Solid-State Fermentation of Phytase from Cassava Dregs.- The Effect of Additional Autopolyploidization in a Slow Growing Cellulase Hyperproducer of Trichoderma.- Author Index.
Show moreSession 1—Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- Session 2—Applied Biological Research.- Session 3—Bioprocessing Research.- Session 4—Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- Session 5—Industrial Chemicals.- Session 6—Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- Author Index.
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