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Twenty-Second Symposium on ­Biotechnology for Fuels and­ Chemicals
ABAB Symposium
By Brian H. Davison (Edited by), James D. McMillan (Edited by), Mark Finkelstein (Edited by)

Hardback, 797 pages
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Paperback : HK$1,473.00

United States, 1 May 2001

lysts using enzyme, microbial, and plantbiochemistriesand genetic engi­ neeringand "ProcessingResearch" describedtheconversionofplantcom­ ponentsviaintegrationofmicrobiology,biochemistry,andchemistrywith engineering, separations, and hybrid systems. The "Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production" session focused on the manufacture and use of enzymes. The"IndustrialChemicals"sessionemphasizedrecentdevelop­ mentsintheintegratedproductionandscale-upofchemicalsfrombiologi­ cal rather than petrochemical routes. Special interest was on separation methods and their integrationintonew fermentation orhybrid processes. 35 oral presentations, a roundtable The technical program consisted of forum, two special topic discussions, and a poster session of 135 posters. Wecontinuedasuccessfulinformalroundtableserieswith"Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Forum on Recent Government Initiatives," which dis­ cussedthePresident'sExecutiveOrder, the BioenergyInitiative, the Tech­ nology Roadmap for Renewables Vision 2020, and other thrusts. These eventscontinuethe strongindustrial focus and activeindustrialparticipa­ tionintheorganizingcommittee. Thishasbecomeverypopularbecauseit allows industrialand government participants to speakmore openly. AspecialTopicsDiscussionGroupwasheldon"C0 Sequestration," 2 ledby James W. Lee. Another onwas held on "Commercializationof Bio­ mass-to-Ethanol" where chairs Jack N. Saddler and David J. Gregg made thegoal ofthisworkshop to showparticipantsthatweare close to demon­ stratingthe technicalviability ofanintegratedbiomass-to-ethanolprocess and that progressive technical advances and policy decisions will likely greatly enhance the economic attractiveness of the process.

Session 1-Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- to Session 1.- Twenty Years of Trials, Tribulations, and Research Progress in Bioethanol Technology: Selected Key Events Along the Way.- Genetic Improvement of Poplar Feedstock Quality for Ethanol Production.- Detoxification of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates with Ion-Exchange Resins.- Fourier Transform Infrared Quantitative Analysis of Sugars and Lignin in Pretreated Softwood Solid Residues.- Bleachability and Characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Principal Component Analysis of Acetosolv Pulps Obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse.- Production of Oxychemicals from Precipitated Hardwood Lignin.- Effect of Pretreatment Reagent and Hydrogen Peroxide on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oak in Percolation Process.- Session 2-Applied Biological Research.- to Session 2.- Fingerprinting Trichoderma reesei Hydrolases in a Commercial Cellulase Preparation.- Development of High-Performance and Rapid Immunoassay for Model Food Allergen Lysozyme Using Antibody-Conjugated Bacterial Magnetic Particles and Fully Automated System.- Fermentation Performance Assessment of a Genomically Integrated Xylose-Utilizing Recombinant of Zymomonas mobilis 39676.- Comparative Ethanol Productivities of Different Zymomonas Recombinants Fermenting Oat Hull Hydrolysate.- Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Mutants Defective in Bacterial Magnetic Particle Synthesis by Transposon Mutagenesis.- Synthesis of Bacterial Magnetic Particles During Cell Cycle of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1.- Overexpression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Genetically Modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge.- Utilization of Cyanobacteria in Photobioreactors for Orthophosphate Removal from Water.- Enhancement of the Conversion of Toluene by Pseudomonas putida F-1 Using Organic Cosolvents.- Effect of Temperature on Biofiltration of Nitric Oxide.- Biodegradation of Formaldehyde by a Formaldehyde-Resistant Bacterium Isolated from Seawater.- Dissemination of Catabolic Plasmids Among Desiccation-Tolerant Bacteria in Soil Microcosms.- Session 3-Bioprocessing Research.- to Session 3.- Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Byproducts of Olive Oil Extraction.- Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose from Pretreated Wood Residues.- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ammonia-Treated Sugar Beet Pulp.- Ethanol Production in a Membrane Bioreactor: Pilot-Scale Trials in a Corn Wet Mill.- Cellulase Recovery via Membrane Filtration.- Effect of Yeast Extract on Growth Kinetics of Monascus purpureus.- Severity Function Describing the Hydrolysis of Xylan Using Carbonic Acid.- Cellulose Hydrolysis Under Extremely Low Sulfuric Acid and High-Temperature Conditions (Scientific Note).- A Hybrid Neural Network Algorithm for On-Line State Inference That Accounts for Differences in Inoculum of Cephalosporium acremonium in Fed-Batch Fermehtors.- Kinetics of Ethanol Fermentation with High Biomass Concentration Considering the Effect of Temperature.- Fermentation of Xylose into Acetic Acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum (Scientific Note).- Heat Transfer Considerations in Design of a Batch Tube Reactor for Biomass Hydrolysis.- Measurement of Bubble Size Distribution in Protein Foam Fractionation Column Using Capillary Probe with Photoelectric Sensors.- Effect of a Natural Contaminant on Foam Fractionation of Bromelain.- Application of Factorial Design to Study of Heavy Metals Biosorption by Waste Biomass from Beverage Distillery.- Model Compound Studies: Influence of Aeration and Hemicellulosic Sugars on Xylitol Production by Candida tropicalis.- Nitrification and Denitrification Processes for Biological Treatment of Industrial Effluents.- Removal and Recovery of Copper (II) Ions by Bacterial Biosorption.- Production of Biosurfactant from a New and Promising Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA1.- Cassava Starch Maltodextrinization/Monomerization Through Thermopressurized Aqueous Phosphoric Acid Hydrolysis.- Session 4-Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- to Session 4.- Session 5-Industrial Chemicals.- to Session 5.- The Effect of Pretreatments on Surfactin Production from Potato Process Effluent by Bacillus subtilis.- Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Alternate Feedstocks.- Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate by Bacillus Species Isolated from Municipal Activated Sludge.- Characterization of Bioconversion of Fumarate to Succinate by Alginate Immoblilized Enterococcus faecalis RKY1.- Modeling and Simulation of Cephalosporin C Production in a Fed-Batch Tower-Type Bioreactor.- Influence of Culture Conditions on Lipopeptide Production by Bacillus subtilis.- Mathematical Modeling of Controlled-Release Kinetics of Herbicides in a Dynamic-Water-Bath System.- Do Cellulose Binding Domains Increase Substrate Accessibility?.- Session 6-Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- to Session 6.- Cobalt Activation of Bacillus BR449 Thermostable Nitrile Hydratase Expressed in Escherichia coli.- Effect of Agitation and Aeration on Production of Hexokinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Comparison of Catalytic Properties of Free and Immobilized Cellobiase Novozym 188.- Influence of Operating Conditions and Vessel Size on Oxygen Transfer During Cellulase Production.- Characterization of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Bacillus firmus Strain No. 37.- Physiological Aspects Involved in Production of Xylanolytic Enzymes by Deep-Sea Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi.- Preliminary Kinetic Characterization of Xylose Reductase and Xylitol Dehydrogenase Extracted from Candida guilliermondii FTI20037 Cultivated in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate for Xylitol Production.- Xylanase Production by Aspergillus awamori in Solid-State Fermentation and Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources.- Kinetic and Mass Transfer Parameters of Maltotriose Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Glucoamylase Immobilized on Macroporous Silica and Wrapped in Pectin Gel.- Selection of Stabilizing Additive for Lipase Immobilization on Controlled Pore Silica by Factorial Design.- Screening of Variables in ?-Xylosidase Recovery Using Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide Reversed Micelles.- Activity of Xylose Reductase from Candida mogii Grown in Media Containing Different Concentrations of Rice Straw Hydrolysate.- Kinetic Studies of Lipase from Candida rugosa: A Comparative Study Between Free and Immobilized Enzyme onto Porous Chitosan Beads.- Extraction by Reversed Micelles of the Intracellular Enzyme Xylose Reductase.- Controlled Hydrolysis of Cheese Whey Proteins Using Trypsin and ?-Chymotrypsin.- Solid-State Fermentation of Phytase from Cassava Dregs.- The Effect of Additional Autopolyploidization in a Slow Growing Cellulase Hyperproducer of Trichoderma.- Author Index.

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lysts using enzyme, microbial, and plantbiochemistriesand genetic engi­ neeringand "ProcessingResearch" describedtheconversionofplantcom­ ponentsviaintegrationofmicrobiology,biochemistry,andchemistrywith engineering, separations, and hybrid systems. The "Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production" session focused on the manufacture and use of enzymes. The"IndustrialChemicals"sessionemphasizedrecentdevelop­ mentsintheintegratedproductionandscale-upofchemicalsfrombiologi­ cal rather than petrochemical routes. Special interest was on separation methods and their integrationintonew fermentation orhybrid processes. 35 oral presentations, a roundtable The technical program consisted of forum, two special topic discussions, and a poster session of 135 posters. Wecontinuedasuccessfulinformalroundtableserieswith"Bioenergy and Bioproducts: Forum on Recent Government Initiatives," which dis­ cussedthePresident'sExecutiveOrder, the BioenergyInitiative, the Tech­ nology Roadmap for Renewables Vision 2020, and other thrusts. These eventscontinuethe strongindustrial focus and activeindustrialparticipa­ tionintheorganizingcommittee. Thishasbecomeverypopularbecauseit allows industrialand government participants to speakmore openly. AspecialTopicsDiscussionGroupwasheldon"C0 Sequestration," 2 ledby James W. Lee. Another onwas held on "Commercializationof Bio­ mass-to-Ethanol" where chairs Jack N. Saddler and David J. Gregg made thegoal ofthisworkshop to showparticipantsthatweare close to demon­ stratingthe technicalviability ofanintegratedbiomass-to-ethanolprocess and that progressive technical advances and policy decisions will likely greatly enhance the economic attractiveness of the process.

Session 1-Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- to Session 1.- Twenty Years of Trials, Tribulations, and Research Progress in Bioethanol Technology: Selected Key Events Along the Way.- Genetic Improvement of Poplar Feedstock Quality for Ethanol Production.- Detoxification of Lignocellulose Hydrolysates with Ion-Exchange Resins.- Fourier Transform Infrared Quantitative Analysis of Sugars and Lignin in Pretreated Softwood Solid Residues.- Bleachability and Characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Principal Component Analysis of Acetosolv Pulps Obtained from Sugarcane Bagasse.- Production of Oxychemicals from Precipitated Hardwood Lignin.- Effect of Pretreatment Reagent and Hydrogen Peroxide on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Oak in Percolation Process.- Session 2-Applied Biological Research.- to Session 2.- Fingerprinting Trichoderma reesei Hydrolases in a Commercial Cellulase Preparation.- Development of High-Performance and Rapid Immunoassay for Model Food Allergen Lysozyme Using Antibody-Conjugated Bacterial Magnetic Particles and Fully Automated System.- Fermentation Performance Assessment of a Genomically Integrated Xylose-Utilizing Recombinant of Zymomonas mobilis 39676.- Comparative Ethanol Productivities of Different Zymomonas Recombinants Fermenting Oat Hull Hydrolysate.- Isolation of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Mutants Defective in Bacterial Magnetic Particle Synthesis by Transposon Mutagenesis.- Synthesis of Bacterial Magnetic Particles During Cell Cycle of Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1.- Overexpression of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase in Genetically Modified Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge.- Utilization of Cyanobacteria in Photobioreactors for Orthophosphate Removal from Water.- Enhancement of the Conversion of Toluene by Pseudomonas putida F-1 Using Organic Cosolvents.- Effect of Temperature on Biofiltration of Nitric Oxide.- Biodegradation of Formaldehyde by a Formaldehyde-Resistant Bacterium Isolated from Seawater.- Dissemination of Catabolic Plasmids Among Desiccation-Tolerant Bacteria in Soil Microcosms.- Session 3-Bioprocessing Research.- to Session 3.- Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Byproducts of Olive Oil Extraction.- Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose from Pretreated Wood Residues.- Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Ammonia-Treated Sugar Beet Pulp.- Ethanol Production in a Membrane Bioreactor: Pilot-Scale Trials in a Corn Wet Mill.- Cellulase Recovery via Membrane Filtration.- Effect of Yeast Extract on Growth Kinetics of Monascus purpureus.- Severity Function Describing the Hydrolysis of Xylan Using Carbonic Acid.- Cellulose Hydrolysis Under Extremely Low Sulfuric Acid and High-Temperature Conditions (Scientific Note).- A Hybrid Neural Network Algorithm for On-Line State Inference That Accounts for Differences in Inoculum of Cephalosporium acremonium in Fed-Batch Fermehtors.- Kinetics of Ethanol Fermentation with High Biomass Concentration Considering the Effect of Temperature.- Fermentation of Xylose into Acetic Acid by Clostridium thermoaceticum (Scientific Note).- Heat Transfer Considerations in Design of a Batch Tube Reactor for Biomass Hydrolysis.- Measurement of Bubble Size Distribution in Protein Foam Fractionation Column Using Capillary Probe with Photoelectric Sensors.- Effect of a Natural Contaminant on Foam Fractionation of Bromelain.- Application of Factorial Design to Study of Heavy Metals Biosorption by Waste Biomass from Beverage Distillery.- Model Compound Studies: Influence of Aeration and Hemicellulosic Sugars on Xylitol Production by Candida tropicalis.- Nitrification and Denitrification Processes for Biological Treatment of Industrial Effluents.- Removal and Recovery of Copper (II) Ions by Bacterial Biosorption.- Production of Biosurfactant from a New and Promising Strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA1.- Cassava Starch Maltodextrinization/Monomerization Through Thermopressurized Aqueous Phosphoric Acid Hydrolysis.- Session 4-Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- to Session 4.- Session 5-Industrial Chemicals.- to Session 5.- The Effect of Pretreatments on Surfactin Production from Potato Process Effluent by Bacillus subtilis.- Production of Bacterial Cellulose from Alternate Feedstocks.- Production of Polyhydroxybutyrate by Bacillus Species Isolated from Municipal Activated Sludge.- Characterization of Bioconversion of Fumarate to Succinate by Alginate Immoblilized Enterococcus faecalis RKY1.- Modeling and Simulation of Cephalosporin C Production in a Fed-Batch Tower-Type Bioreactor.- Influence of Culture Conditions on Lipopeptide Production by Bacillus subtilis.- Mathematical Modeling of Controlled-Release Kinetics of Herbicides in a Dynamic-Water-Bath System.- Do Cellulose Binding Domains Increase Substrate Accessibility?.- Session 6-Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- to Session 6.- Cobalt Activation of Bacillus BR449 Thermostable Nitrile Hydratase Expressed in Escherichia coli.- Effect of Agitation and Aeration on Production of Hexokinase by Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Comparison of Catalytic Properties of Free and Immobilized Cellobiase Novozym 188.- Influence of Operating Conditions and Vessel Size on Oxygen Transfer During Cellulase Production.- Characterization of Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Bacillus firmus Strain No. 37.- Physiological Aspects Involved in Production of Xylanolytic Enzymes by Deep-Sea Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrodictium abyssi.- Preliminary Kinetic Characterization of Xylose Reductase and Xylitol Dehydrogenase Extracted from Candida guilliermondii FTI20037 Cultivated in Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate for Xylitol Production.- Xylanase Production by Aspergillus awamori in Solid-State Fermentation and Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources.- Kinetic and Mass Transfer Parameters of Maltotriose Hydrolysis Catalyzed by Glucoamylase Immobilized on Macroporous Silica and Wrapped in Pectin Gel.- Selection of Stabilizing Additive for Lipase Immobilization on Controlled Pore Silica by Factorial Design.- Screening of Variables in ?-Xylosidase Recovery Using Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide Reversed Micelles.- Activity of Xylose Reductase from Candida mogii Grown in Media Containing Different Concentrations of Rice Straw Hydrolysate.- Kinetic Studies of Lipase from Candida rugosa: A Comparative Study Between Free and Immobilized Enzyme onto Porous Chitosan Beads.- Extraction by Reversed Micelles of the Intracellular Enzyme Xylose Reductase.- Controlled Hydrolysis of Cheese Whey Proteins Using Trypsin and ?-Chymotrypsin.- Solid-State Fermentation of Phytase from Cassava Dregs.- The Effect of Additional Autopolyploidization in a Slow Growing Cellulase Hyperproducer of Trichoderma.- Author Index.

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XV, 797 p.
25.9 x 19.1 x 3.6 centimeters (1.62 kg)

Table of Contents

Session 1—Feedstocks Production, Modification, and Characterization.- Session 2—Applied Biological Research.- Session 3—Bioprocessing Research.- Session 4—Bioenergy and Bioproducts Forum on Recent Government Initiatives.- Session 5—Industrial Chemicals.- Session 6—Enzymatic Processes and Enzyme Production.- Author Index.

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