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Violet Flame


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Table of Contents

CONTENTS Part 1 Mysteries of the Violet Flame Revealed 1 Chapter 1: The Greatest Gift of the New Millennium 3 A Powerful High-Frequency Light 5 Changing Negative Energy to Positive Energy 6 The Violet Flame Is Spiritual Fire 8 Treasured Colors and Gems 9 The Violet Flame Is for Everyone 11 To Get the Violet Flame, All You Have to Do Is Ask 12 Chapter 2: The Spiritual Science of Transmutation 15 Transmutation Brings Positive and Practical Change 15 Clearing the Karma of Lifetimes 18 Violet Flame Purifies Atoms and Electrons 20 God Is Energy within You 23 Alchemical Transformation 24 Keep This Mantra in Your Pocket! 26 Chapter 3: Qualities and Gifts of the Violet Flame 29 The Violet Flame Has Always Been with You 30 Mercy's Gentle Rain 32 The Gift of Forgiveness 34 Weaving Justice and Forgiveness 37 The Blessing of Token Karma 38 The Graciousness of Tact and Diplomacy 40 Ritual Releases Light 41 The Flame of Freedom 44 Many Shades of Violet 47 Part 2 Personal Benefits of the Violet Flame 49 Chapter 4: Transforming Your Relationships 51 Observe Your Reactions 53 Mercy and Forgiveness Enrich Relationships 54 The Process of Forgiveness 56 When It's Hard to Forgive 58 Finding Resolution in Relationships 60 Rituals Bring Comfort, Peace, and Harmony 63 Courtesy and Kindness 65 Divine Love's Alchemy 68 Meditation on Violet-Flame Spheres of Forgiveness 70 Chapter 5: Healing with the Violet Flame 73 Transmuting the Cause and Core of Disease 74 The Antidote for Physical Problems 75 Karmic Factors in Healing 78 You Can Change Your Heredity 82 Positive Thoughts and Healthy Habits 83 Be Practical 88 Visualization and Mantras for Healing 89 Chapter 6: Finding Inner Wholeness 93 Restoring Wholeness to the Soul 93 Erasing Past-Life Records 95 A Himalayan Mountain of Karma 97 Hurts, Heartaches, and Inner Pain 100 Transforming Fear and Other Emotions 103 Resolving Your Early Years 106 A Joyful Path 108 Clearing Your Chakras for Overall Well-Being 113 Chakras Are Centers of Light 113 The Chakra Connection to Physical and Psychological Wholeness 116 The Violet Flame Spiral Exercise 118 Part 3 The Highest Alchemy 123 Chapter 7: Uniting with Your Divine Self 125 Spirit Becomes Matter within You 126 Your Soul's Unique Gifts 132 The Spirit Spark in Your Heart 135 The Ultimate Goal of Your Soul 136 Choosing to Be Human or Divine 138 Experiencing Your God Presence 139 Chapter 8: The Heart of Personal Alchemy 141 Balancing Your Threefold Flame with Violet Flame 142 The Work of Your Heart, Head, and Hands 147 Listening to the Voice of God within You 150 Violet-Flame Heart Meditation 154 Chapter 9: Saint Germain, a Violet-Flame Adept 157 Who Is Saint Germain? 158 My Friend Forever 159 The Making of the Violet-Flame Adept 161 Forging A New Age of Freedom 168 How You Can Get to Know Saint Germain 169 Part 4 Create with the Violet Flame 175 Chapter 10: Invoke Violet Flame with the Spoken Word 177 The Call Compels the Answer 177 The Creative Power of Sound 181 Be a Co-creator 185 Why We Pray and Decree Aloud 186 Repeating Decrees and Decreeing Every Day 188 Combining Prayer, Meditation, Decrees, and Action 190 Chapter 11: Experience the Rolling Joy of the Violet Flame 193 Simple Tips for Decreeing 194 Building a Rolling Momentum of Violet Flame 195 Begin Your Decrees with Spiritual Protection 197 Heart, Head, and Hand Decrees 200 Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree 204 More Violet-Flame Decrees 205 Be Creative and Have Fun! 210 Sharing the Wonder of the Violet Flame with Children 213 Chapter 12: Change the World with Violet Flame 217 You Can Make a Difference! 218 Practical Steps to Send Violet Flame into the World 220 Our Calling in the New Age 224 The Antahkarana of Life 225 The Violet Flame Can Mitigate Natural Disasters 226 Violet-Flame Decrees for the World 229 A Vision of Earth in a Golden Age 235 Onward and Upward! 237 Notes 240

About the Author

Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a pioneer of modern spirituality and an internationally renowned author. Among her bestselling titles are Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, The Lost Years of Jesus, How to Work with Angels, Fallen Angels Among Us, The Human Aura, Saint Germain On Alchemy, and the Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality series, which includes Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul, Creative Abundance and Soul Mates and Twin Flames. Mrs. Prophet has conducted seminars and workshops around the world on topics such as soul mate and twin flame relationships, the violet flame, karma and reincarnation, prophecy, angels and practical spirituality. Her books have been translated into more than 30 languages and are sold online and in fine bookstores worldwide. Englishand Spanish editions are available as eBooks for the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad, all Kobo eReaders, and most smartphones and tablets.

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