Olimpiu G. Urcan is a Singapore-based chess historian. He contributes regularly to Edward Winter’s Chess Notes and is the author of several chess biographies published by McFarland. John S. Hilbert, a retired senior attorney with the Social Security Administration living in Buffalo, New York, has written 16 chess books and over 100 articles on chess biography and history, winning multiple national and international awards.
“I'm a great fan of books by [Hilbert]. They are always incredibly well researched and deep, usually uncovering material you will not find in any other book.”—American Chess Magazine; “A perfect marriage of subject, author and publisher. Open at random and be entertained.”—Jonathan Manley, editor, Kingpin Chess Magazine; “I recommend the book highly”—ChessCafe; “The Pollock book is one of the finest in the entire McFarland catalogue.”—Edward Winter, Chess Notes; “wonderful...a highly interesting biography and unbelievable amount of over 500 games...superb...one of the most amazing McFarland chess reads that I have ever seen”—Chessbooks.nl; “helps to expand our knowledge of European and American chess throughout the late 19th century. More significantly, the book provides the chess community with many unindexed games from an existing and creative player.”—Mind’s Eye Press; “Een prachtband, honderden pagina’s mooi papier en wat de inhoud betreft: geen partij wordt vergeten...die zo’n monument...dankzij de heren Urcan en Hilbert.”—Bab Wilders, Nederlands Dagblad.
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