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Work, Health and Wellbeing


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Table of Contents

Work, health and wellbeing: an introduction ~ Sarah Vickerstaff, Chris Phillipson and Ross Wilkie; Musculoskeletal disorders: challenges and opportunities ~ Ross Wilkie; Common mental health problems and work ~ Annie Irvine; Comparing health and employment in England and the USA ~ David Lain; Re-evaluating trends in the employment of disabled people in Britain ~ Ben Baumberg; The current state of vocational rehabilitation services ~ Joanne Ross; The changing profile of incapacity claimants ~ Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill; Reconstructing the self and social identity: new interventions for returning long-term Incapacity Benefit recipients to work ~ David Wainwright, Elaine Wainwright, Rachel Black and Susan Keynon; The fall of work stress and the rise of wellbeing ~ David Wainwright and Mike Calnan; 'Work Ability': a practical model for improving the quality of work, health and wellbeing across the life-course? ~ Tony Maltby; Working for longer: self-management of chronic health problems in the workplace ~ Femidah Munir; Case study: organisational change and employee health and wellbeing in the NHS ~ Julia Gibbs, Wendy Loretto, Tina Kowalski and Stephen Platt; Education and training in the workplace ~ Chris Phillipson; Conclusion: setting the agenda for future research ~ Chris Phillipson, Ross Wilkie and Sarah Vickerstaff

About the Author

Sarah Vickerstaff, Professor of Work and Employment, University of Kent. Her research focuses upon paid work and the life course. Chris Phillipson, Professor of Applied Social Studies and Social Gerontology, Keele University. His research focuses on policy issues relating to work and retirement. Ross Wilkie, RCUK Fellow in Epidemiology, Arthritis Research UK National Primary Care Centre, Keele University. His research focuses on the impact of musculoskeletal conditions on work and participation.


"This book works very well as a collection of different perspectives on health in the workplace. It offers a wide range of material that is scholarly and written by people with expertise in their areas of interest." Chris Yuill, Robert Gordon University

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