Percy Pennington the Third, is a brilliant yet somewhat eccentric author who enjoys directing his literary excellence toward some of the deeper subjects affecting humanity. This includes his work of scientific instruction to fellow men on how to become "chick magnets". Also included among his works is his infallible direction to fellow authors on how to avoid negative (Blue Meanie) book reviews. Authors can only aspire to attaining the authorship greatness of Mr. Pennington, whose own literary achievements on the aforementioned subjects, have now been released to the world. Will he grace us with yet more of his inspired works? Only time will tell but we all certainly await more literary works of art from this highly gifted author. (This salute to Percy P III, was written by Reginald Higginbothum, a protégé of Mr. Pennington's). In Mr.Pennington's Own Words: "I was alma mater of my barber school class (The School of Successful Barbers of the South - 'SS of BS') and I was almost alma mater for The Electoral School of Shoe Shining Engineers (ESSSE). My literary accomplishments include being editor for "The Southern Barber's Gazette" for six months during years 1983 to 1985 (the spot was rotated between me and 4 other guys - but no longer in publication). My greatest literary achievements however, are my personal journals."
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