Who’s that in the frilly cap and apron, toting the tea tray. Not a pert French maid, but spinster sleuth Miss Marple in disguise. And it’s not Darjeeling that’s caught her interest – it’s murder!
British national treasure Margaret Rutherford makes her first appearance as the famed detective in this sly, engaging mystery based on Agatha Christie’s 4:50 from Paddington. Comfily ensconced in her railway carriage, Miss Marple sees a strangulation aboard a passing train, then follows a trail of baffling clues to a manor house inhabited by a quarrelsome family. There she takes a job as a domestic, discovers the strangled body…and is on the spot when the culprit strikes again. But no murderer is a match for Miss Marple.
Who’s that in the frilly cap and apron, toting the tea tray. Not a pert French maid, but spinster sleuth Miss Marple in disguise. And it’s not Darjeeling that’s caught her interest – it’s murder!
British national treasure Margaret Rutherford makes her first appearance as the famed detective in this sly, engaging mystery based on Agatha Christie’s 4:50 from Paddington. Comfily ensconced in her railway carriage, Miss Marple sees a strangulation aboard a passing train, then follows a trail of baffling clues to a manor house inhabited by a quarrelsome family. There she takes a job as a domestic, discovers the strangled body…and is on the spot when the culprit strikes again. But no murderer is a match for Miss Marple.
This is a Region 0 disc. A multi-region player may be required in order to play this disc in this part of the world.
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