Alan Ladd stars as the titular gunslinger in this Western directed by George Stevens. Shane is a soft-spoken, lonely ex-gunfighter who becomes a farmhand for a frontier family. When all the local homesteaders are terrorised by a ruthless cattleman, Shane reluctantly faces the fact that his gunfighting skills are of more use than his farm labour. The film was nominated for several Academy Awards and won for Best Cinematography.
Based on: The novel by Jack W. Schaefer
Technical Specs:
This disc is in Blu-ray format and requires a Blu-ray player to be viewed. Check your player is compatible before purchasing.
Alan Ladd stars as the titular gunslinger in this Western directed by George Stevens. Shane is a soft-spoken, lonely ex-gunfighter who becomes a farmhand for a frontier family. When all the local homesteaders are terrorised by a ruthless cattleman, Shane reluctantly faces the fact that his gunfighting skills are of more use than his farm labour. The film was nominated for several Academy Awards and won for Best Cinematography.
Based on: The novel by Jack W. Schaefer
Technical Specs:
This is a Region B disc. A multi-region player may be required in order to play this disc in this part of the world.
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