Results for "machine learning science"
machine learning science
28,602 results
Theodoridis, Sergios (professor of machine learning and signal p, Pikrakis, Aggelos (Lecturer, Department of Informatics, Universi, Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Dionisis Cavouras
Theodoridis, Sergios (professor of machine learning and signal p, Pikrakis, Aggelos (Lecturer, Department of Informatics, Universi, Konstantinos Koutroumbas, Dionisis Cavouras
HK$253 Elsewhere HK$291.74 Save HK$38.74 (13%)
Sumathi, S. (PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, , Rajappa, Suresh, L. Ashok Kumar
Sumathi, S. (PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, , Rajappa, Suresh, L. Ashok Kumar
HK$500 Elsewhere HK$654.03 Save HK$154.03 (24%)