Results for "Doug McAdam"
Doug McAdam
19 results
Fligstein, Neil (Class of 1939 Chancellor's Professor, Class of , McAdam, Doug (Professor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, St
Fligstein, Neil (Class of 1939 Chancellor's Professor, Class of , McAdam, Doug (Professor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, St
HK$209 Elsewhere HK$326.26 Save HK$117.26 (36%)
McAdam, Doug (Professor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, St, Kloos, Karina (PhD candidate, PhD candidate, Stanford University
McAdam, Doug (Professor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology, St, Kloos, Karina (PhD candidate, PhD candidate, Stanford University
HK$239 Elsewhere HK$271.03 Save HK$32.03 (12%)