Results for "Professor Kumar"
Professor Kumar
84 results
Mandal, Subhash C. (Professor, Division of Pharmacognosy, Depart, Mandal, Vivekananda, Anup Kumar Das
Mandal, Subhash C. (Professor, Division of Pharmacognosy, Depart, Mandal, Vivekananda, Anup Kumar Das
HK$509 Elsewhere HK$693.62 Save HK$184.62 (27%)
Nei, Masatoshi (Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Director, Ins, Kumar, Sudhir (Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Assis
Nei, Masatoshi (Evan Pugh Professor of Biology and Director, Ins, Kumar, Sudhir (Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Assis
HK$600 Elsewhere HK$995.33 Save HK$395.33 (40%)
Puri, Munish (Visiting Fellow, National Cancer Institute, NIH, B, Pathak, Yashwant (Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs,, Vijay Kumar Sutariya, Srinivas Tipparaju
Puri, Munish (Visiting Fellow, National Cancer Institute, NIH, B, Pathak, Yashwant (Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs,, Vijay Kumar Sutariya, Srinivas Tipparaju
HK$840 Elsewhere HK$1,045.60 Save HK$205.60 (20%)
Kumar, Vinay (Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, U, Abbas, Abul K. (Emeritus Professor, Department of Pathology, Uni, Jon C. Aster
Kumar, Vinay (Professor and Chairman, Department of Pathology, U, Abbas, Abul K. (Emeritus Professor, Department of Pathology, Uni, Jon C. Aster
HK$500 Elsewhere HK$532.75 Save HK$32.75 (6%)
Seligman, Erik (Senior Product Engineering Architect, Cadence De, Schubert, Tom (Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical and C, M. V. Achutha Kiran Kumar
Seligman, Erik (Senior Product Engineering Architect, Cadence De, Schubert, Tom (Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical and C, M. V. Achutha Kiran Kumar
HK$773 Elsewhere HK$894.29 Save HK$121.29 (14%)
Das, Mithilesh Kumar (Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine<b, Zipes, Douglas P. (Distinguished Professor, Division of Cardiolo
Das, Mithilesh Kumar (Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine<b, Zipes, Douglas P. (Distinguished Professor, Division of Cardiolo
HK$773 Elsewhere HK$844.42 Save HK$71.42 (8%)
Kumar, Nilesh (Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials , Mishra, Rajiv S. (Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering and, John A. Baumann
Chakraverty, Snehashish (Full Professor, Department of Mathemati, Pradhan, Karan Kumar (Senior Research Fellow, Dept of Mathematic
Chakraverty, Snehashish (Full Professor, Department of Mathemati, Pradhan, Karan Kumar (Senior Research Fellow, Dept of Mathematic
HK$800 Elsewhere HK$1,186.35 Save HK$386.35 (33%)
Galar, Diego (Professor, Division of Operation and Maintenance E, Kumar, Uday (Professor, Lulea Railway Research Center, Lulea Uni
Galar, Diego (Professor, Division of Operation and Maintenance E, Kumar, Uday (Professor, Lulea Railway Research Center, Lulea Uni
HK$900 Elsewhere HK$1,347.22 Save HK$447.22 (33%)
Gupta, Krishna Kumar (Associate Professor, Department of Electri, Bhatnagar, Pallavee (Principal, Sagar Institute of Science and T
Gupta, Krishna Kumar (Associate Professor, Department of Electri, Bhatnagar, Pallavee (Principal, Sagar Institute of Science and T
HK$732 Elsewhere HK$1,186.35 Save HK$454.35 (38%)