Results for "Academic Press Medical"
Academic Press Medical
11,722 results
Mummery, Christine L. (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden,, van de Stolpe, Anja (Philips Molecular Pathway Dx, Eindhoven, Th, Bernard Roelen, Hans Clevers
Mummery, Christine L. (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden,, van de Stolpe, Anja (Philips Molecular Pathway Dx, Eindhoven, Th, Bernard Roelen, Hans Clevers
HK$486 Elsewhere HK$580.98 Save HK$94.98 (16%)
Da Luz, Protasio L., MD, FACC (Research Scientist at Cedars-Sina, Libby, Peter (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical Scho, Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo, Peter Libby
Da Luz, Protasio L., MD, FACC (Research Scientist at Cedars-Sina, Libby, Peter (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical Scho, Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo, Peter Libby
HK$1,159 Elsewhere HK$1,602.97 Save HK$443.97 (28%)
Muindi, Fanuel (Assistant Director of Graduate Programs, Departm, Tsai, Jessica W. (Boston Children's Hospital and Boston Medical
Muindi, Fanuel (Assistant Director of Graduate Programs, Departm, Tsai, Jessica W. (Boston Children's Hospital and Boston Medical
HK$269 Elsewhere HK$400.24 Save HK$131.24 (33%)
Pezoulas, Vasileios (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent , Exarchos, Themis (Department of Informatics, Ionian University, , Dimitrios I Fotiadis
Pezoulas, Vasileios (Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent , Exarchos, Themis (Department of Informatics, Ionian University, , Dimitrios I Fotiadis
HK$1,000 Elsewhere HK$1,232.28 Save HK$232.28 (19%)
Mummery, Christine L. (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden,, van de Stolpe, Anja (Philips Molecular Pathway Dx, Eindhoven, Th, Bernard Roelen
Mummery, Christine L. (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden,, van de Stolpe, Anja (Philips Molecular Pathway Dx, Eindhoven, Th, Bernard Roelen
HK$687 Elsewhere HK$770.93 Save HK$83.93 (11%)
Preim, Bernhard (Professor of Visualization, Computer Science De, Raidou, Renata (Assistant Professor in Medical Visualization and, Noeska Smit, Kai Lawonn
Preim, Bernhard (Professor of Visualization, Computer Science De, Raidou, Renata (Assistant Professor in Medical Visualization and, Noeska Smit, Kai Lawonn
HK$977 Elsewhere HK$1,152.13 Save HK$175.13 (15%)